Oct 13, 2013

Israel looking for new State logo

The Knesset is looking to update its logo.

the logo above, the current symbol of the State of Israel, looks, I guess, old and tired. They want something fresh and exciting, incorporating the old but stressing that the Knesset is accessible to the public and is open to all the various ideas in the Israeli public.

To that end they are running a contest and calling on designers and graphic artists to submit entries. A committee will select some semi-finalists, then the public will be invited to vote on the semi-finalists and whittle the number of finalists down to 3. At that point the Speaker of the House and a public committee will decide on the winning entry.
(source: Knesset)

NRG has some interesting background on the State logo and the current contest.

On the 11th of Shvat of 1949 (that would be February, but notice that they recorded things by the Jewish date) the logo was selected - the menora adorned by olive branches. The winning designers were two brothers, Maxim and Gavriel Shamir, and their design was selected from among hundreds of submissions.

Gavriel's son, Yoram Shamir, is upset about the current contest for a new logo. He says that there are countries that have the same logo for hundreds of years - what's our rush to change our logo after just 65 years?

I don't know where you would submit to, but get designing!


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1 comment:

  1. I understand that the state logo will not be changed, but the Knesset wants a distinct logo?
