Oct 13, 2013

Traffic is moving on Rav Ovadia

Minister of Transportation Yisrael Katz has announced his decision to name a new highway to jerusalem after Rav Ovadia Yosef, zt"l.

Construction of the new highway is set to begin in the coming year. It is Highway 16, and will be a split off Highway 1 and be an additional main entrance into Jerusalem. The new highway will split off of Highway 1 at Motza, and enter Jerusalem between Shaarei Tzedek Hospital and the Begin Expressway. Much of the new highway will be underground via two tunnels - under Har Nof and under Yefeh Nof.

According to Katz he decided to name the new road after Rav Ovadia because he was a great figure for the entire nation and for the city of Jerusalem. Highway 16 will symbolically connect two great figures - Menachem Begin and Rav Ovadia via what will be the two main entrances to the city.
(source: NRG)

There is a long-standing debate about what is considered an appropriate commemoration of great people. Roads and parks are pretty standard for prime ministers and great leaders. Rav Ovadia definitely deserves it. The question is - a highway that is being driven on on Shabbos - is that really appropriate? Will that really bring his memory out in a good way? Just wondering out loud...


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1 comment:

  1. Well, it will go right under his former home of Har Nof.
