Oct 14, 2013

No more assistants filtering visitors to Rav Ovadia

Rabbanit Yehudi Yosef, the wife of Rav Moshe Yosef and daughter in law of Rav Ovadia zt"l who basically took car eof Rav Ovadia ever since his wife Margalit died, sent out a notice that had a very interesting message.

In her message she thanked people for their praise of her and the great merit she had to care for her father in law.. The interesting part is that she said "Now nobody needs protexia anymore to go to Maran. His grave site is open 24 hours a day without any assistants. Whatever time of day you want you can go and get blessings!
(source: Bechadrei)

Was that a slip-up saying that access to him was filtered while he was alive? Those around rabbonim like to deny such claims, but Yehudit Yosef seems to be supporting it...


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  1. Everything isn't a plot, you know. Rav Ovadia, z"l , was not in very good health the last few years. Come on, the man was 93 already. He had good days and less good days. If his family didn't run some interference between him and everyone who wanteda piece of him, he wouldn't say no and rest. I suspect if they hadn't we wouldn't have had him this long. Gedolim tend to be like that. And their families also try to shield them especially as they get older, usually without entire success. The Rabbanit means the obvious-- he's now in the Olam HaEmet but his grave is accessible to everyone..

  2. I don't think it was any secret whatsoever that there was a filter in place, to the chagrin of many a visitor to his home.

  3. 2senseplain makes a sound point.

    Funny that the whole notion of getting brachot from dead people is so mekubal that no one even gives that part of the quote a second thought!

  4. I can personally say that protexia wasn't enough to get in. My family is very close to his son R' David's and yet I (and even my dad too) was still denied entry most of the time in the past five years. Only if you had a really, really, good reason or if you were named Aryeh Deri would you have been able to get in since he started feeling ill most of the time over the past five years.

  5. Amsalem revealed that he was a personal friend of the rav until he became a member of Knesset when he was denied access. He related that one time during that period he did happen to be in Rav Ovadia's shul and the rav called him over to speak afterwards and asked 'why he does speak to him anymore' to which he answered frankly that he was not allowed inside. The fence around him was not only recent due to sickness but to protect certain people's interests.

    1. makes sense
      That's life, just like the US President doesn't read newspapers or hear the news. He gets predigested reports, obviously colored by the editors.

    2. So are rock stars, but Baruch Hashem, we live in Israel now where VIPs are much more accessible and down to earth.
