Oct 14, 2013

Quote of the Day

Tell me that I am unenlightened, but I believe that Torah learning brings blessings to the Jewish people. Someone who really is learning, not just is he not a parasite, but he is the commando of the Jewish nation. The blessing of the economy is a blessing from heaven, and is not something to take for granted. It is not connected to 'economic talent' of the Finance Minister or MInister of Economics and Trade.
Whoever screams "go out to the workforce" is not paying attention that the workforce is shrinking. First Teva and now Baza"n.
Torah is the source of our blessings. Chasing away the Torah by the government harms the economy.
I know in the eyes of some of you that sounds ridiculous, but that is my belief and the belief of my anscestors.

  -- Dr. Michael Ben-Ari


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  1. How come people who say that always want someone else to support them?

  2. Actually, talking about it being from heaven *is* taking it for granted.

  3. does micha ben ari also believe that health has nothing to do with doctors but is a function of how many tehillim you say? shalom is also a blessing that we pray for; does the respected doctor want to get rid of the army?

    there is a good reason why he wasn't reelected.
