Oct 14, 2013

The Wishing Well? The Wishing Wall

Across the world you can find wishin wells with people throwing in coins and making a wish. Here in Israel we don't have wishing wells (maybe because which of us is going to throw away money!!??), but we have a wishing wall instead - the Kotel. And no coins necessary - just notes, and not even $100 notes - just notes with wishes...

From INN:
Czech President Miloš Zeman visited the Western Wall (Kotel) Sunday in the course of his official visit to Israel.
Zeman told the Rabbi in Charge of the Western Wall, Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovich, that this is his second visit to the holy site.

Twelve years ago, Zeman visited the Kotel when he was prime minister. He placed a note with a written request to G-d between the stones of the Wall, as is customary. The wish later came true, he told the rabbi.
Zeman placed a new note with a new wish on it in the cracks between the stones on Sunday's visit as well.
"I am excited to stand here in front of the holy stones, this exalted place of worship, with the prayer books that accompany the Jewish people everywhere in the world. Here and in Prague, people pray from the same prayerbook,” he noted.
The Western Wall is a remainder of the outer wall of the compound originaly built by King Solomon, which housed the First Jewish Temple, and later, the Second Temple. The Temples stood for about 1,000 years, with a 70-year interval between the destruction of the first and the building of the second, until the Second Temple was destroyed by Rome in the year 70 CE. The Wall has been a place of Jewish worship and longing for the rebuilding of the Temple for many centuries.


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