Jul 20, 2015

and Rav Shteinman takes first place!

For the first time ever, supposedly, a survey was conducted to determine the most popular leaders in the Haredi community.

According to Bechadrei, the survey checked who is the Haredi leader that most people in the Haredi community follow his rulings.

Not surprisingly, Rav Shteinman came out on top pulling in 33% support and adherence.

Second place was taken by an additional 33%  saying their "admor", so the hassidic rebbes all together would take second place.

Third place was taken by Rav Shalom Cohen with 7.6%.

The remainder was split among Rav Shmuel Auerbach, Rav Weiss of the Eida, Rav Mazuz, and "other" taking the bulk of the remainder.

I am surprised that Rav Cohen only pulled in 7.6%. Considering that he is the maran of Shas and its followers, that seems like an awfully low number.

What bothered me about this survey is its existence. While interesting, it makes it seem like the rav you follow is part of a popularity contest.

And like all surveys, the results are likely skewed to the tune of whomever it was that commissioned it for whatever purpose he had in mind...

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  1. Yeah, I would very interested in learning who commissioned this, and the motivation behind it.

  2. Rav Chaim Kanievsky doesn't even make the list?

  3. The vast majority of Shas voters aren't charedi, and there are big divisions among them, so it's not surprising he gets so little. I'm surprised he got that much.

    I imagine most of R' Kanievsky's followers would still rank R' Steinman higher, for complex reasons.

    I'd like to know the breakdown between "non-Zionists" and "anti-Zionists"- especially how much R' Weiss got.
