Aug 7, 2016

is it outragious when suspected abusers are arrested on Sahbbos?

Behadrei is reporting on a case of a baby from Modiin Ilit that is in the hospital in critical condition (refuah Shleima!), and over the course of this past Shabbos the police were brought into the story due to a suspicion of abuse. They went to the hospital and arrested/detained the parents and took them to the station for questioning. They were later released to house arrest with some additional restrictions.

Behadrei reports this with shock, calling it an outrage that they were arrested and taken away on Shabbos.

If they are innocent and there was no real serious reason to suspect them and the police were making a mountain out of a molehill,  then being taken in for questioning on Shabbos is inappropriate, though the parents seemingly were not forced to desecrate Shabbos - they did not drive or have to write or whatnot. The police might have done something inappropriate to the parents by ruining their Shabbos and maybe the police were mechalel shabbos where they could have waited, but I would not be outraged unless the parents were forced to be mechalel shabbos, and going to the station and answering questions does not likely require chilul shabbos by the parents..

If, however, the police had strong reason to suspect abusive behavior that put the baby into critical condition in the hospital then it is not an outrage that they arrested/detained the parents on Shabbos. I would say the opposite - it is better that they did not wait. If there was strong reason to suspect then they were doing the responsible, and necessary, thing by taking in the parents right away.

What do you think - does such a situation deserve to be considered outrageous? Can we know only after the investigation is completed?

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1 comment:

  1. Mitzvot bein adom l'makom are simply put far above any mitzvos of bein adom l'chavero. Abuse is hidden if it will cause a chillel Hashem. Embezzling & money laundering is ok if it is used for Torah. A woman is being beaten in the street and the police come on Shabbos - and the community riots. Of course police responding to a threat to life of a child is below Shabbos.

    It's a perversion of Judaism, but getting out of balance seems to be a perennial problem in Jewish history.
