Aug 7, 2016

Naftali Bennet desecrates Shabbos in the wrong country

According to Kikar, many in the religious community are upset at Minister of Education Naftali Bennet over a tweet he sent while it was Shabbos in Israel, despite the fact that he is abroad and it was not Shabbos in his location, and he noted that in his tweet.

Bennet's tweet was a response to a report on Channel 2 News about his actions during Operation Defensive Shield. The report had aired on Shabbos in Israel, and Bennet's response was sent on Shabbos as well, though Bennet was abroad and it was not Shabbos in his location when he sent it.

So, Naftali Bennet is somewhere in the world where it was not Shabbos and he is being attacked for chilul shabbos that did not happen.

There are some things about Bennet (and Habayit Hayehudi) that I like, and there are some things about Bennet (and Habayit Hayehudi) that I do not like. I do not know who these people are that are reportedly upset about this, but it seems to me to be a non-issue, or a manufactured issue by people who oppose him.

Are Israeli ministers now not allowed to do [online] melacha in chutz laaretz when it is  Shabbos in Israel? I never heard of such a chumra. Maybe all Jews abroad cannot do any [online] melacha once Shabbos comes in in Israel, because people might not realize they are not in Israel.

There is plenty to complain about and oppose Bennet for without coming up with such nonsensical issues.

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