Mar 5, 2019

Headline of the Day

Rav of the city cries out: Avreichim have become cooks

  -- Behadrei News

In a conference about Haredi women in the workforce and encouraging the seminary students to study towards "kosher work" as teachers, one of the complaints listed by Rav Kessler, rav of Modiin Ilit, is that because of the women working full days in the secular workforce, the avreichim have become busy doing the women's work around the house and have become cooks, even at times cooking the meals for the entire Shabbos because the wife is tired from working or too busy.

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  1. There aren't enough teaching jobs available for all of the kollel wives....

    1. so open more schools! problem solved :-)

  2. I question the value of a Charedi Yeshiva education if this logical consequence wasn't obvious.

  3. Is there no problem with the current situation of the women doing the men's work?

    1. even if there is, the men doing the womens work is a bigger problem!

  4. Cooking is pretty much what we had to do for every korbon. If we want Moshiach, we'd better get practicing...

    1. only the kohanim. the rest of us can, or should, leave it to our wives.
      and even the kohanim, that was basically bbq, not real cooking. bbq was always the mans domain

    2. They had to butcher the Korban too. Without the bandsaw all butchers use today. I guess we'll have to wire the bet mikdash.

  5. That's the minor comment in that article.there is much worse stuff.
