Mar 5, 2019

Interesting Psak: good morning

Rav Bentzion Mutsafi was asked by one of his students if it is ok to say good morning to a woman collecting tzedaka money.

The student specified that this woman sits outside the shul collecting tzedaka for her family greeting every person with a 'good morning'. He said he tried to give her money when he can, but he is not able to give her tzedaka every single day. He wanted to know if he can at least say 'good morning' to her.

Rav Mutsafi responded that it is prohibited to greet the woman with a 'good morning', as it is immodest. Rav Mutsafi added that this is a new phenomenon, and a strange one at that, that women have become tzedaka collectors.
source: Kikar

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  1. Does this rabbi think every woman has a man in her life who is willing to collect for her? What does he expect these women to do? Modestly starve themselves to death?

  2. I guess he doesn't get out often enough. I've always seen poor women collecting outside of mosdos and tourist sites, both here in the US and in Israel!

    1. definitely, but it is possible when he called it something new he did not mean necessarily as in the past year, maybe he meant, this generation, or maybe in the past 10 years...

  3. Replies
    1. People are so machmir not to say hello to woman they dont even say hello to men. I like to say heelo to everyone that how I was trained. Sometimes i say hello to people I think they must be deaf.

  4. Perhaps his chulchan aruch consists of only 4 chalakim. Maybe someone should introduce him to the 5th chelek

  5. Reb Yaakov Kamenetzky ztz"l used to say good morning to the nuns from the local convent....

    1. but the book on him was banned.. :-)

    2. the book is available again can be purchased from the author if you have $150

    3. I didn't see it in THAT book.
