Mar 5, 2019

showdown at the Kotel

The WOmen of the Wall have announced that in honor of the 30-year anniversary of them holding their monthly women's minyan at the Kotel, this Friday will be particularly special and their services will be made up of 1000 participating women. It will be so big they will use a sound system for the event.

They made an official request for the usage of a sound system. I am not sure what happened exactly as the article I read a few days ago said the Kotel Rabbi refused the request, but the Women of the Wall are still talking about the event with a sound system, so I am not sure what the status of that is.

Haredi leadership has just announced that they have obtained Rav Chaim Kanievsky's approval to send thousands of high school girls to the Kotel at 6:30 in the morning on Friday to oppose the chilul hashem with a grand kiddush hashem. In addition, they have planned services with participation of a couple thousand men to be accompanied by a sound system.

It will not be pretty at the Kotel this Friday, but if you are looking for some excitement, the showdown at the Kotel might be the place to be....

The truth is I am really curious to see if the Women of the Wall can really bring 1000 women, or even close to it, to participate in their services.

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  1. Nothing says "kiddush hashem" like audibly drowning-out a bunch of women trying to daven. /eyeroll

  2. I can't imagine that "kiddish Hashem" will be any part of this ruckus.

  3. Really do hope that thousands of wonderful yeshiva girls will come and drown out the ugliness of the whacko WOW. Wish the girls know how to blow horns or even shofars to drown out the evil event of the whackos. WOW are doing this for only one reason and that is for their 'political' agenda. If you really pay attention to all that's happening all over, you will realize it's all about undoing Judaism and religion, in general, to change the world to their distorted thinking.
