Mar 3, 2019

Netanyahu's right-wing lap dogs

I love the intrigue of how Bibi's campaign, as it was last time, is mostly to entice voters away from other parties on the right side of the political map, such as Kulanu, Yisrael Beyteynu, Habayit Hayehudi and even the Haredi parties, and only somewhat compete against center and left parties.

After he sucks them dry of voters, as he did to Habayit Hayehudi last time with his anti-Arab campaign, without significantly changing the size and growing the right bloc of voters, he still expects, and demands, the loyalty of those same parties to support him for Prime Minister.

This is true of all the parties, but it is especially true of Bennett - they are his political inferiors and his lap dogs. They have no alternative and are willing to, or maybe have to, take any "abuse" he foists upon them and can do nothing about it. The one time Bennett tried to stand up to Netanyahu was a dismal failure and he quickly went back crawling with his tail between his legs.......

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  1. Come on Rafi, tell us how you really think. Don't hold anything back :)

  2. Come on Rafi, tell us how you really think. Don't hold anything back :)

  3. While Bennet has been pledging unconditional support for Bibi, at least Shaked has acknowledged that Blue & White are likely to be invited into a Likud coalition.
