Mar 3, 2019

The Israel Football League Isra-Bowl was a lot of fun!

I had a great time on Friday watching the Israel Football League Isra-Bowl - the Israeli Football version of the Superbowl, minus the food and minus the commercials. The league s fun and even intense, and I almost regret not following it more during the season.

I have a nephew on one team in the Isra-Bowl, the Petach Tikva Troopers, and I have a few friends on the other team, the Jerusalem Lions (aka Big Blue). I went to cheer for my nephews team, with the added benefit of seeing a few other friends, fro the other team and in the stands. It must have something to do with being from Chicago, but somehow I almost always end up cheering fore the losing team. But no matter, it was a lot of fun. And the kids who came with me all had a great time as well, even though they know little about football.

During the season, Petach Tikva's one loss (I was at that game as well) was to the Jerusalem team. And that game had come down to nearly the buzzer. The Jerusalem Lions, I am told, have gone undefeated over the past two full seasons. This game would definitely be intense.

Being that this game was to be played by the two best teams in the league, the scoring started off a bit lopsided, with Jerusalem rushing out to an early lead of a couple of touchdowns.We settled in thinking it would be fun but a sure loss, but Petach Tikva came roaring back making it a real intense competition.

They kept pulling closer, and eventually near the end of the game, with just a few minutes left, even took the lead. Jerusalem came roaring back with a late touchdown recovering their lead, and closed off the game shortly after, retaining their led and winning the Isra-Bowl.

It was a nice day, if a bit chilly, after some stormy weather, and the stands were packed with spectators and fans. I will definitely try following the league more next season!

Here are some pictures and video for you to get a taste..
Hatikva - nobody took a knee

Petach Tikva Troopers coming out to play

Jerusalem Lions storming the field

he was ok... I think

Taly Erel posted a bunch of pictures on Facebook...

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