Mar 7, 2019

Omar refused the Neturei Karta

It has been reported (YWN, Behadrei) that members of the Neturei Karta went down to Congress to try to meet with Representative Ilhan Omar. They wanted to show support and thank her for her stance against Israel.

It turns out that Omar had no interest in meeting with them and refused the invitation.

The reason Omar refused is unknown..

I was able to think of two possible reasons for her refusal..

1. she is an anti-semite and does not want to meet with them, especially because they look so Jewish rather than like Liberal Left Progressive Jews. Perhaps she does not know about their anti-Israel stance and just [wrongly?] assumed she needs to hate them as well.

2. Perhaps she did her homework and knows all about the Neturei Karta. She did not want to meet with them so nobody could accuse her of being an anti-semite, and prefers to just leave the accusations to be based on things she said which she can easily claim were misunderstood, whereas a visual of her hanging out with the NKs would be more of a problem..

What are the other options

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1 comment:

  1. or may be she afraids of the Jewish lobby and AIPAC
