Mar 7, 2019

the PM campaign being funded by the smaller parties

There is so little substance in this election campaign, at least as of now. Even less than usual.

For the most part, with minor exceptions, the various parties are not talking about what they plan to do or not do, why this or that is good or bad.

The overwhelming majority of the discussion involving the various parties is which candidate they will support for Prime Minister. The various parties are giving more publicity to, and investing more campaigning efforts in, Benny Gantz and Benjamin Netanyahu than they are for themselves.

Every discussion on the radio, in the news sites and on social media is about who will you, or who we will, support for Prime Minister rather than why should voters vote for you/us?

Ca we get some substance back to the elections please? I see no reason to vote for any of the parties beyond Likud or Blue and White. If these two are who all the smaller parties are pushing rather than themselves, I might as well vote for my preferred candidate directly rather than through a satellite party.

Netanyahu and Gantz are getting so much fee publicity, all paid for by the news sites and the smaller parties. They could not be running a better campaign than a campaign in which the other parties pay for their publicity!

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