May 19, 2020

Quote of the Day

It is far less safe to go to buy Vishznitz challas in Bnei Braq than it is to fly to Cyprus or one of the Greek Islands..

  -- Airports Authority Spokesperson Ofer Lafler

Laflaer later apologized after an outcry for saying something so anti-haredi.  Lafler said that he did not mean to insult the Haredi community or residents of Bnei Braq and is sorry that he was understood to be doing so.

I am curious what he meant if he did not mean that it is more dangerous to go to Bnei Braq (and possibly expose yourself to Corona) than to travel to Cyprus.

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  1. Perhaps he was referring to the recently circulated video showing birds dropping poop on the top rack of challahs cooling at the vishnitz bakery?

    1. that sounds like almost every bakery in Israel...
