May 19, 2020

Tweet of the Day

Turx responded to Mayor Deblasio calling out a yeshiva for illegally conducting classes. I get that he thinks the mayor had no need to mention "yeshiva" and could have just said the more generic "school", but asking if he plans to round up Jews for deportation is going too far.

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  1. Turx is an idiot!
    Let him stick to doing his stupid humor.

  2. This is despicable! Having Yeshivot open now, like the funeral in NY last week not only puts lives at risk, but a text book case of the term "Chilul HaShem", it makes people look at the actions of people visibly identified with the Jewish People (and by extension the G-d of Israel) and to say, "I hope that I never act like those people".

    We should be deeply ashamed of this massive Chilul HaShem, and this individual who is not an actual doctor, but a first class embarrassment took a bad situation, and decided to make Holocaust comparisons, which is not only a Chilul HaShem, but minimizes the memory of the Holocaust.

    So in summary:
    - This guy puts people's lives at risk (or supported others that did)
    - Caused a massive, public Chilul Hashem
    - Minimized the memory of the 6,000,000 Kedoshim

