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Nov 30, 2021

Q&A With Rabbi Efrem Goldberg (Hosted by Nachi Gordon) - Part 9 (video)

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Israelis: Why do you vote center? (video)

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Ask the Chief Rabbi (video)

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The Wandering Synagogue Part 2 (video)

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Six13 - West Side Chanukah Story | Presented by MJE (video)

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Nov 29, 2021

Picture of the Day

President Herzog surprised many when he accepted the invitation of the Hebron Jewish community to light the first candle of Chanukah in Hebron. Surprised many and upset many, especially on the Left form which he came. Well, Herzog made sure to upset everyone else when he said, "You won’t agree about everything, but we need to remember that ‘we are all one man’s sons. We all have shared roots from this cave. Alongside that, we have to remember that our roots are not the only ones that go back to this cave. Especially today, and especially here, in this holy space dedicated to all sons of Abraham, we have to continue dreaming of peace, between all faiths and creeds in this land, and to condemn any type of hatred or violence." They still probably prefer the optics of him being present and lighting the menora regardless of what he said...

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#71: Behind the Bima - Rabbi Mordechai Machlis (video)

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Meni Hollander - Chanuka 2021 with the craziest sufganiyot (video)

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I connected to Judaism, the lies got out of control - the Lebanese chosson speaks out (video)

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UK PM Boris Johnson Decries Anti-Semitism In Hanukkah Message (video)

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The Hanukkah Song 2.0 - Nissim Black & Kosha Dillz (Official Video)

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Nov 28, 2021

religious travelers forced to desecrate shabbos

According to an article in INN, five people who traveled from South Africa to Israel in order to pay shiva calls and mourn with their friends, the Kay family, after the murder of Eli last week, were turned around at the airport. Israel is concerned now about the new variant  of COVID-19 from Africa and barred entry from red countries, including South Africa.

The issue, according to INN, quoting Yediot Achronot, is that this group of 5 South African Jews were banished to a waiting room in the airport and then put on a flight to Dubai. This forced them to desecrate the Shabbos by flying on Shabbos.

One passenger spoke saying that she felt they were treated like criminals and she was told she would be arrested if she did not board the plane. They were not allowed to ask questions and were given nothing to eat. 

As I have said many times, Israel is not a religious state, even though it has a, even sizeable, religious community. Israel identified a serious risk, of a new variant entering Israel - Shabbos was not at the front of its concerns. I dont find that shocking at all, even though of course it was troubling to the people affected. I continue to not understand why people have religious expectations of a government that is not religious. Sure, it is nice when our religion is taken into account and given consideration, and that happens often enough, but religion is not the main concern of the Israeli government. 

What is somewhat shocking is that they refused to give them anything to eat and refused to answer questions. There is no reason the Ministry of Health, or whatever body is responsible for this, cannot have a representative to talk to such groups of people and explain what is happening and why it is necessary. 

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Interesting Psak: Bris Brachos remotely at night

Rav Amram Fried, a renowned posek in Bnei Braq, was asked an interesting question about a remote bris. Someone had traveled to Los Angeles for business. While there a grandson was born and he was unable to return in time for the bris, so he would have to participate via Zoom. 

The happy parents wanted to honor the grandfather with the honor of reciting the brachos at the bris. They asked Rav Fried if the grandfather would be able to recite the brachos via Zoom or can they only give this honor to someone physically present at the bris? The mohel considered that because in Los Angeles at the time of the bris it would still be nighttime by the grandfather, the grandfather could not say the brachos - a bris cannot be done at night, so the brachos cant be said at night either. 

In general many poskim in the past have paskened that one cannot say brachos over zoom and fulfill people's obligations like that. The general psak, especially among Haredi posking, has normally been that this would not work.

Rav Amram Fried however paskened that because zeidy knows exactly when the bris is taking place, and the people present at the bris hear him saying the rbacha, zeidy can say the brachos from Los Angeles via Zoom, even though it is night there, and they will be yotzei with his bracha.
source: Hamechadesh

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Proposed Law: License Plates for Motorized bicycles

I dont understand some of the details but MK Yaakov Asher (UTJ) has proposed a law that would require some sort of license plate for motorized bikes and scooters.

Many such vehicles, Asher brings statistics showing 62%, have been involved in accidents, or near accidents, and Asher's proposal would allow better enforcement of the rules, in addition to the ability to take out insurance policies.

I personally have seen police stopping young teenagers on the road riding electric scooters and bikes. I assume it was because of the lack of helmets,  based on what I saw, but maybe it was for other reasons. Whatever the reason was, I did not understand how the police could slap these kids with fines - if they are too young to have a teudat zehut, how do the police verify who they are, and subsequently, how is there any follow-up on any ticket given?

The license plate should make it easier for enforcement, assuming it wont be easy to move the plates form bike to bike. 

Are they going to take the current hundreds of thousands or millions of bikes and scooters off the roads somehow if this passes?

And what about the golf carts some people, often elderly, drive around? Perhaps they dont go as fast so arent as much of a menace, but if everything else needs to be registered, I am not sure why the "bubby carts" would be exempt.

Anyway, MK Asher's proposal passed its first hurdle, being approved in the legislative committee. An accomplishment in tis own right, considering the proposal coming from an opposition MK Now it needs to go to the Knesset to be voted on.
source: Kipa

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Picture of the Day

Janet Kisri, 75 years old from Modiin, decided to set yet another world record and made the largest potato latke ever.

Kisri says she used her grandmother's recipe (from Poland). Adjusting it for the larger than normal portion required her to use 87kg of potatoes, 60 eggs, 17kg of flour, plus salt and pepper. It has a diameter of 1.60 meters and took 6 hours to prepare

I want to know how they had a frying pan large enough for this. and then how they flipped it.

Kisri shared her latke with the other people in the apartment complex she lives in, as they assisted in the project along with soldiers stationed nearby. 280 people partook in the consumption of this latke.

She does not tell us if they ate it with apple sauce or sour cream...


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Headlines Podcast: 11/27/21 – Shiur 347 – Yiddishkeit & The Modern World; Should we embrace it or remain insular? (audio)

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This Satmar Hasidic Woman Is Pushing Back At The Media’s Portrayal of Her World (video)

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RED SEA and The FABULOUS City of EILAT. Beautiful Israel (video)

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Lenny Solomon Live (video)

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Nov 26, 2021

Pey Dalid - V'shamru (Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach) (video)

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Nov 25, 2021

I Grew up in the Extremist Jewish Cult of Lev Tahor | The Story of Mendy Levy (video)

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Is The Haredi Shekel worth more? (video)

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The Wandering Synagogue (video)

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Shauly - Ver Biste | - - Original Yiddish Song (Prod by. Moishe’le) (video)

I dont know what this is, but it is weird

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Nov 24, 2021

Facebook Status of the Day

MK Miri Regev (Likud) posted
The soldiers deserve more!
I am happy that the pressure and public battle that we waged against Lieberman and Gantz brought results and they decided to increase the wages for the soldiers. Do not be mistaken and think it was of the good of their hearts, rather it was a direct result of the public pressure we activated.....
blah blah blah

I just love how Miri Regev takes credit for a government decision... clearly they are a very effective Opposition and might do better for the country staying in the Opposition and working from there...

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no humanity

There is an investigative committee working to uncover what happened at the Gilboa Prison that allowed six Arab prisoners to escape recently. 

During his recent testimony, which was publicized today, Prison Warden Freddy Ben Sheetrit mentioned that a few years back, before he was serving in this prison, female guards had been pimped out to Arab prisoners to satisfy their sexual urges. And the reporter who first reported this story claims that Gilad Erdan, now Ambassador to the United Nations but then served as Minister of Internal Security, knew about the incidents and helped the Prison Services whitewash it and cover it up to keep it quiet.
source: JPost

Institutionalized rape. That's what it is. 

That this could happen is horrific and shocking.

I dont even understand and cannot fathom how this could happen - how could guards and officials in the prison force female guards to have sexual relations with Arab prisoners? Do these people have no humanity within them? How could they possibly have done this? What the heck? 

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Headline of the Day

In test to save Earth, NASA launches spacecraft to nudge asteroid off course

this sounds like a Bruce Willis movie..

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remote kollel

A while back some Rosh Kollels requested the Ministry of Education give them permission to allow distance learning for kollel members who have not qualified for the Green Passport (ie they are neither fully vaccinated nor recovered from Coronavirus). The request was made in light of the similar allowance given to other academic institutions. 

It seems that despite the Ministry of Education's permission to learn remotely in kollel, the inspectors have continued their work as normal and have disciplined kollels for lack of attendance, even when the kollel claims some of its members are learning remotely, with permission.

MK Uri Maklav (UTJ) raised this issue in the Knesset, appealing to the Minister of Education, Yaffa Shasha Biton, to act on the permission granted and stop the inspections or change them to include the distance learning and to stop disciplining affected kollels.

Shasha-Biton responded that she would look into the matter.
source: Kikar

with schools and academies the distance learning is done over zoom or other video conferencing software. Attendance is taken. Tests are given. Work is given. How does distance learning in kollel work? I am asking because I truly don't know. I know how the regular schools and academies worked because I have kids in them. 

The schools and academies have all gone back to regular learning a long time ago. I am surprised to hear that kollels are still doing distance learning, especially considering the more formidable challenges for distance learning int he Haredi community, with so many not having access to computers and Internet.

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Soon By You | Season 2 Episode 3 | The Squirrel (video)

it has been a long time since the last episode.... and I must say, this one is much improved from how I remember the previous couple of episodes..

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Honoring the Life and Legacy of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks (video)

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Rare Silver 2000-Year-Old Coin Found in Jerusalem by 11-Year-old Girl (video)

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The BEAUTY of JERUSALEM Touches OUR HEARTS. Walk from DAY to NIGHT (video)

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The Maccabeats - illuminating - Hanukkah (video)

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Nov 23, 2021

Facebook Status of the Day

there is never anything wrong with a good bowl of festive chicken soup, even if it has fluffy matza balls in it, but there is nothing specific about this for Chanukah...

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Shloime Zionce Teaches Us the Truth about Being a Hasidic Jew (Video)

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Lenny Solomon Live (video)

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Nissim Black - Change (Official Video)

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Nov 22, 2021

reversing the law

MK Benjamin Netanyahu (Likud) related to the term limits bill being worked on. Netanyahu commented on how evil it is, how he has more support than the people passing it, how it is anti-democratic, etc... The interesting thing he said is that when we return to power we will abolish this law.

This is an interesting point to consider.

We all know they will try to abolish all the laws this current government has passed and will pass. Netanyahu's government with the Haredi parties did this very thing after Netanyahu's government with Lapid and Bennett fell apart. No problem. that si what governments do. they pass laws that they think are important and try to reverse laws passed by the previous government that they do not like.

What is interesting about this is that if this law passes, and presumably it will, even should the Likud return to power in the near future, if this government collapses and we go to elections and Likud can form a government, Netanyahu would not be able to be Prime Minister, because of this law (unless he is officially excepted from the law)

For Netanyahu to be Prime Minister again, the Likud would have "win" the next elections, whenever they might be, and form a government. That government would have to reverse the law. That government led by some other Likudnik would have to resign from leading the Likud and let Netanyahu take over the reigns. Probably via primaries, but the process is the same - a sitting PM head of Likud would have to be replaced for Netanyahu. 

Besides for this requiring some time to happen, and every additional year moves Netanyahu a little closer to not being electable just because of his age, if someone takes over the Likud in the interim (which would have to happen for Likud to return to power) that would be a major fight to replace him or her with Netanyahu. One of the things Likud has always been proud of is that it does not replace incumbents. It is a very difficult process. There have been very few heads of the Likud, and once someone else takes over the position, because of this law, it wont be quite so simple to switch back.

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Quote of the Day

I heard the claim that this law is personal - that is correct. It is personal against Naftali Bennett, who is the presiding Prime Minister, and it is personal against me, as the law establishes that I will be the next Prime Minister.

We are legislating it because it is not healthy for the Israeli democracy to have a person ruling it for more than 8 years. We see and hear these days in the courts how extended rule leads to corruption. We are putting this to an end.

I have heard the claim that this law does not exist in any parliamentary democracy. Well, in no other parliamentary democracy has a Prime Minister ruled despite having three serious indictments served for crimes committed while in office.

  -- Foreign Minister Yair Lapid

I dont think most people are worried that without this law Lapid or Bennett might remain in office for more than 8 years...


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assimilated Jews doing mitzvos

For the first time ever, the Second Family's residence (ie the residence of the Vice President) has a mezuza on the doorpost. To remind you, Vice President Kamala Harris is married to a Jew - Doug Emhoff.

Emhoff is obviously an assimilated Jew - he is intermarried and from what I understand his first wife was also not Jewish - but he identifies openly as a Jew and is proud of that identity in his way. He is obviously not Jewish in the orthodox way, and I dont find it fruitful to judge Reform Jews by Orthodox standards or unaffiliated Jews by orthodox standards. Meaning, when a Reform Jew is pictured laying tefillin, for example, Orthodox Jews will often scoff that he or she does not even know how to put on tefillin as the placement is wrong. As if Reform Jews have to follow Orthodox law rather than Reform law or custom or do what they want when there is no Reform law. My point is Emhoff identifies as a Jew, even though he does not practice according to Orthodox standards.

Many non-Orthodox Jews, whether Reform or Conservative or other, affix a mezuza to the door of their home - some might only do the front door and not every internal door, but a mezuza they affix. For many it is part of the Jewish identity, even if they don't keep much else.

So Doug Emhoff and his wife VP Kamala Harris had a ceremony to affix the mezuza on the entrance of the Second Family's Residence. An historic moment in some sense. Perhaps even somewhat of a kiddush hashem as he proudly declares his affiliation to Judaism from nearly the highest podium in the world, despite the increasing polarization and increasing hatred and open antisemitism.

In today's world of polarization and extreme opinions, and the need to feel angry online about anything and everything, I was still somewhat surprised to see religious Jews angry about this. People were scoffing about it likely not being a kosher mezuza. 
People were angry that they are two-faced ultra-liberals but putting on a mezzua and doing something Jewish (as if Jews cant be liberals). People were upset that this is just a political ploy on the back of Judaism. 
People were upset that someone who clearly cares so little about Judaism was putting on this show as if he feels so Jewish. 
People were upset that they borrowed the mezuza from the Reform temple rather than buying their own mezuza - they can't afford a mezuza? they have to borrow one? (I admit I did think that was weird, but I dont really care). People even got upset that the Rabbi called it a Temple (they borrowed the mezuza from the Temple).
People were upset that they made this into a ceremony with a Rabbi and other notables attending - who turns the fixing of a mezuza on a door into a big ceremony? (Well, besides for every store and business and public building in Israel with the local newspapers publishing pictures of all these mezuza ceremonies of new businesses that opened recently)

Basically, people like to get upset at anything and everything.

I must say I am sad to see so many people feel this way. In my opinion we should applaud any connection to Judaism and God a Jew has, especially an assimilated one. And halevai we should all do everything so lesheim shamayim, with such pure intent, that they demand of this assimilated Jew.

That is beside for the fact that it is very common for even Reform Jews and other types of denominations far from orthodoxy to have a mezuza on the house. They dont need my permission or your permission, or our approval, to follow their own customs and put the mezuza on the house. Emhoff probably has a mezuza on their private house as well (though I have no personal knowledge if they do or do not) and I see noting unusual or "two-faced" about this. He is Jewish and he is liberal (as are probably about 75-80% of American Jews). 

I think Doug Emhoff did a good thing, even if it isnt done the Orthodox way and even if it wasn't with perfect intentions (though we have no way of knowing this)

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is it the environment or not?

Climate change, global warning, plastics in the oceans, etc - the environment is an important issue and we really do need to do better to safeguard our world.

I have no problem with the government using the tool of taxes to try to direct our society to stopping some behaviors (such as taxes on cigarettes) and to promote other behaviors. All governments do it, some more some less, some on behaviors more in the consensus and some less - anyone complaining just doesnt like the affecting of the specific behavior, in whatever direction it is being affected.

Many do not like, for example, the recent increase in taxes on plastic disposable dishes and the like. Fair enough. I don't like it either. Nobody wants to pay more. But we are told that the purpose of the tax is to get people to use less plastic disposables, for the benefit of the environment. Fair enough.

According to Calcalist, with the expansion of electric cars into the market the government realizes that it is going to be losing a lot of revenue from the taxes on gasoline.  62% of the price we pay to fill up ours cars with gas goes to taxes. 

If the government were worried truly about the environment and encouraging behaviors and spending that is good for the environment and to discourage behaviors and spending that are harmful, the government would continue to tax gasoline (though they really should not have been taxing it at such a high rate all along) and would give tax benefits to people buying more environmentally friendly automobiles such as hybrids and electric vehicles. 

According to Calcalist the government is considering levying a tax on the driving of electric cars. They can't really tax the electricity, the fuel, of the car, as how would that be differentiated form the electricity used in general by car owners or by anyone in Israel. So what they are considering doing is taxing the driving of electric vehicles. It is unknown how such a tax would work at this point but it could be a  fee per kilometer, charged at the end of the year 

So to effect good behavior in favor of the environment they have raised taxes on plastic disposables, and they will possibly also tax electric vehicles as well even though that is good behavior for the environment. Is it the environment or the government coffers that really determine what should be taxed? Do the coming taxes on electric vehicles show that the tax on plastics was not really for the benefit of the environment either?

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#70: Behind the Bima - Dovid Lichtenstein (video)

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Israelis: Why do you vote left wing? (video)

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Rising in Rank - Channel 12 (video)

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First RAIN in ISRAEL. Mediterranean Sea and the City of BAT YAM (video)

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Sruli feat. Moshe Habusha \\ Ya Ribon (Official Music Video)

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Nov 21, 2021

Yeshiva Boys Kiddush Hashem

What a great story from a couple of yeshiva high school kids in Chicago (well, Skokie, actually)

Wonderful and amazing kiddush hashem!

Excerpt from CBS:

What would you do if a lot of money – actual American legal tender – fell right at your feet?

A couple of high schoolers in Skokie recently stumbled upon some cold, hard cash – fresh off an armored truck. CBS 2’s Steven Graves set out to meet those honest students, who turned in the money.
READ MORE:Rideshare Passenger Dies In Crash On DuSable Lake Shore Drive Near Gold Coast

For a day in Skokie – it was like money grew on trees and came down like fall leaves.

“It was so windy – literally, money was floating in the air!” said Zev Goldstein.

Goldstein and his friends were walking from breakfast Thursday morning outside Fasman Yeshiva High School, at 7135 Carpenter Rd. in Skokie, when more green than the grass started appearing.

“There’s tons of money – hundreds of 20s just lying on the ground in this area that floated over the bushes.”

“I was like, whose is this? Where is this coming from?” added Coby Kamish.

Kamish figured something was off. He tried to give the cash to a man in the distance who was rushing to pick it up.

“And he was like, ‘Just keep it!’ I was like, ‘That’s weird, why would he just say keep it?’”READ MORE:Person Shot On Bishop Ford Freeway

It turned out that man was guy was pocketing the money.

“And then we look across the street and we see the armored truck,” Kamish said.

Across Touhy Avenue in the Village Crossing shopping center, there is a Bank of America ATM – where the bank says a third-party vendor somehow let money get out of the armored truck.

“Because of how windy it was, it was futile,” Goldstein said. “We just gave up.”

He said the students did recover an estimated $790, which is now in the hands of police.

“I thought the right thing was to give it back to the p[people that actually, it’s their money,” Kamish said.

But there was a fleeting feeling that these young men won’t soon forget.

“This is the best day of my life, initially,” Goldstein said. “Yeah, I wish it could happen a second time.”

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Interesting Psak: Chilul Shabbos for Vaccinations

About a million doses of Pfizer's vaccination for COVID-19 designated for children arrived yesterday morning - on Shabbos.  

In light of their arrival on Shabbos, Rav Binyamin Chuta, a renowned posek, noted that the opinion of the Ksav Sofer is that a melacha intentionally done on shabbos for other people is prohibited to benefit from forever. This is a form of a knas, or fine, so that people will not intentionally violate the Shabbos rules. According to this opinion, Rav Chuta says, one should prefer to wait for the next batch of vaccinations to arrive and be in use before getting the child vaccinated. 

However, according to the Shulchan Aruch a violation of Shabbos for other people is permitted for benefit after Shabbos. Additionally, even according to the Ksav Sofer above it might be ok because the people who brought the vaccinations did it on the premise that it was permitted due to being a form of pikuach nefesh - if they thought it was allowed it is not considered an intentional violation of Shabbos but would be considered a shogeg, an error, and then even according to the Ksav Sofer the vaccinations would be permitted for use. 

Rav Chuta concluded that one who wants to be strict and wait for the next batch will be blessed, but one who wants to be lenient has what to rely on. Another factor to consider is that we don't know at this time when the next batch will be coming to Israel and it might be dangerous to wait for that. Anyone wondering what to do practically should ask a rav.
source: Hamechadesh

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Headlines Podcast: 11/20/21 – Shiur 346 – When a Chassidus splits…… (audio)

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Breaking A World Record For The World’s Longest Gratitude List (video)

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Meet Orthodox Jewish Community Leader, Eli Verschleiser, Who Helps Teens On The Street (video)

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JERUSALEM is Most Beautiful in the AUTUMN. NICE CITY Ambience (video)

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The Shalva Band ft. BUBA MYSES - HAPPY (video)

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Nov 19, 2021

Yonina- Katonti (video)

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Nov 18, 2021

Palestinian sues Ben & Jerrys

This was totally unexpected.

From the NY Post:

A prominent Palestinian human rights activist recently filed a complaint in New York state, charging that a Ben & Jerry’s boycott in the West Bank and occupied territories is contributing to “more hatred” in the strife-prone region.

Bassem Eid, 63, filed a complaint with New York state’s Division of Human Rights last month against Conopco Inc., the US division of Unilever that owns the popular ice cream brand.

Eid, a longtime activist who has been critical of abuses by both Israeli armed forces and the Palestinian Authority in the past, claimed the restriction on sales of ice cream in Israeli-occupied territories is “counterproductive to peace and creates only more hatred, enmity and polarization,” according to the complaint.

An award-winning human rights activist who was born in East Jerusalem and grew up in a United Nations-run refugee camp, Eid said the boycott will have an adverse effect on the people it is trying to help.

“I, as a Palestinian, as well as many of my friends, family and other Palestinians, are regular shoppers at Gush Etzion commercial center … where we also frequent to eat ice cream,” said Eid in the complaint. Eid is a resident of Jericho in the West Bank.

“This shopping area is the true realization of coexistence, as both Jews and Muslims from both Israel and the Palestinian-controlled territories … work and shop here,” he said.

Eid likened the boycott to the controversial Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, which many Jews have criticized as anti-Semitic. The complaint was filed under New York state’s Lisa Law that prevents New York businesses from engaging in anti-Israel boycott activity, said David Abrams, the New York-based attorney who filed the complaint on Eid’s behalf.

That was unexpected, but the funny part of the story is actually the response of Ben & Jerry's.

A spokesman for Ben & Jerry’s refused comment, and referred a reporter to a page on the company’s website where it addresses the boycott. “Speaking and acting on our values is neither anti-Israel nor anti-Semitic,” the website says.
"speaking and acting on our values is neither anti-Israel nor anti-Semitic".


First, didn't they get the memo that the hyphen was dropped

Second, speaking and acting on your values is only not anti-Israel and antisemitic if your values aren't antisemitic. if they are then acting on them also is.

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Picture of the Day

Mordy and Natalie Oknin were released from incarceration in Turkey after diplomatic efforts on their behalf were successful and were quickly brought back to Israel, bringing an end to their interesting vacation...

the private plane home rather than having to fly back commercial probably makes it all worth it

and now that Turkey let my people go, I think turkey can be back on the table again, though I dont really celebrate Thanksgiving in Israel...

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The ULTRA ORTHODOX City of Bnei Brak. SPIRITUAL WEALTH Above All (video)

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Lenny Solomon Live (video)

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Shlomo Krishevsky - Panai Na (video)

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Nov 17, 2021

Facebook Status of the Day

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Chaim Walder needs to be sidelined until it plays out

Chaim Walder, accused of rape and molestation of young girls, is a difficult situation. Walder is super-mainstream in the Haredi community, in addition to being a celebrity and a leader and very "out there" with his books and articles, and he runs organizations and helps children... These situations are difficult. As in almost all similar cases, he has those supporters who say they don't believe it, he could not have done it, he helped me and I never saw anything suspicious, etc. Then he has those saying we can't operate a field court and decide he is guilty, we cant hurt his parnassa, he passed a polygraph, innocent until proven guilty, someone must be trying to take him down, we cant trust a newspaper report - let alone Haaretz, this is against halacha. Then there are those that say there are too many accusers for there not to be something there, the newspapers, especially a serious one like Haaretz, investigate thoroughly to the last detail before publishing so they wont get sued, we have to support the victims, if true every moment he remains in public leadership with his support of the community is hurtful to the victims, etc.

It is true, we cannot run a field court, deciding he is guilty based on a newspaper article with anonymous sources. But when there is such a serious accusation, and perhaps multiple, we cannot leave him in his position of power with access to more children and with the risk of him using his power to influence the community and even more victims. Nobody is putting him in jail, at least not yet, but we have to act on the serious allegations and deal with the suspicion.

After an initial period of quiet from the Haredi leadership, today Kol Hai has suspended the Chaim Walder radio show. Yated Neeman has supposedly decided to suspend Walder's regular column. I think these are good moves. I think responsible parents will not send their children to him for therapy or advice or assistance or whatever he has been doing with children. I think schools he teaches in should put him on temporary leave (which could become permanent). I dont see any other way.

Eichler's in Boro Park has taken the difficult position to remove his books from their stores and from their website.

This is starting to snowball, and while the situation is sad and upsetting, I think this is the proper public approach. some form of "kabdeihu vchashdeihu".

It is not for me to say you should be throwing his books out of your house. Do what you feel is right. 

This situation needs to be let to play out, and he needs to be sidelines publicly until it does.

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Let My People Go!

Thanksgiving is fast approaching but I am boycotting turkey until Erdogan lets my people go!

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Interesting Psak: respecting the Prime Minister

the question was posed to Rav Shlomo Aviner, rav of Bet El and Rosh Yeshiva of Ateret Yerushalayim, if the Prime Minister today, Naftali Bennett, has to be treated with respect and honor befitting a Prime Minister or if because he achieved the office by lying and deceit perhaps he does not deserve any honor or respect?

Rav Aviner responded that the question actually applies equally tot he entire government, as the Prime Minister does not act alone. However, Rav Aviner said, while clearly one should not lie and e deceitful even to achieve such a position, once he has achieved the position he must be shown respect - after all, he is the Prime Minister. 

Rav Aviner compares this to the situation from Tanakh in which Absalom stole the hearts of the people and became king. The Yerushalmi says that at that time had David needed to bring a korban he would have brought an individual korban, not a kingly korban - even though Absalom won the office with deceit, he was in fact king.

So, again, while it is prohibited to lie and use deceit, once it has been done we must show him the honor and respect that the office demands. If we dont show him the respect due a national leader, our enemies will pounce on the opportunity of our disunity. 
source: Srugim

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Nov 16, 2021

even rabbis need to dress nicely

The classic Israeli dress was always kind of informal, comfortable, and even a bit shlumpy. Suits and ties in Israel is relatively new (not including in the Haredi community where suits were always popular). Besides for suits becoming popular, in both government and in the professional scene, in recent years, the general dress code has also spiffed up significantly and is at least no longer shlumpy, though it is still fairly informal.

I thought this story was a bit funny. 

An organization called Igud Rabbanei Kehilot has decided to take on a project of upgrading the dress of rabbonim in the Dati Leumi community. To that end they are distributing vouchers for purchasing suits to hundreds of rabbis in the DL community with a value of 1300nis. Maybe that would get them two suits but if it is only for one that would be a pretty nice suit!

the head of the organization, Rav Amichai Eliyahu, said that in the Dati Leumi community there is a lot of awareness regarding internals but there is less investment in externals and aesthetics, but really Judaism and aesthetics and beauty do go together - the beit hamikdash was beautifully designed, the kohanim were beautifully dressed, as was the king, yet it seems that "we are the last sector still unaware of the importance of aesthetics".

Rav Eliyahu says that the rabbis can no longer afford to dress without a suit, but on the other hand many of the rabbis dont earn a salary from their rabbinic position, and therefor they have put together this plan to sponsor the purchase of suits for the rabbis in this community.
source: INN

Alright then!

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Interesting Psak: frum women working

Actualic brings a psak to be published in tomorrow's Yated Neeman. The psak is signed by Rav Kessler, rav of Modiin Ilit, and Rav Gershon Edelstein. The topic of the psak is regarding women working, and more specifically about the schools teaching the young women for their futures.

According to the letter to be posted, the rabbonim praise the women who, in addition to the yoke of running the house, take upon themselves the yoke of financially supporting the family as well so that their husbands can sit and learn Torah. However, Along with that they should not be put into positions in work that are not appropriate for a Haredi woman.

According to the letter, the following guidelines are important to follow:

1. the administration of the various seminaries, and the parents, should research when the student is deciding on which profession or vocation to study for and take into account not just the student's abilities and talents but also the future possibilities of work places and environments to ensure that she studies for a profession that will place in her in an appropriate environment in which she wont be spiritually harmed.

2. There are official bodies in the Defense Ministry, and elsewhere, that are interested in hiring Haredi women, and to that end make very attractive offers. They should not it is not tzanua nor appropriate for bnos yisrael to be associated with these bodies, and joining them would cause a deprecation of proper safeguarding. 

3. It should be regularly explained and repeated that parnassah is dependent upon the Creator of the world and parnassa is all decreed in advance on Rosh Hashana. We only have to do the appropriate amount of hishtadlus and not look at the level of the salary being offered. We have to always be aware, during studies and later during work, to not lose the foundations of our education and the form of a Jewish mother raising her children for Torah.

4. During the schooling years, teachers should not put too much stress on preparing for a profession at the expense of the jewish studies needed for the spiritual development. The foundations of emuna and bitachon should be instilled in them deeply and when they act properly they will have siyata dshmaya.

halevai this level of emuna and bitachon on all of us. The women have to support the family and play both roles so the husband can learn in kollel but also has to do it at only low paying jobs.....

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