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Free The Hostages! Bring Them Home!

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Jul 3, 2024

Tzava Shamayim, Ep2 (video)

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MK Simcha Rotman on Non-Jewish Aliyah, Amending the Law of Return, Double Taxation (Heb & Eng) (video)

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our greatest ambassador

Rugelach. who knew?

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Barak Grossberg • Nova Festival (video)

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Jul 2, 2024

a riddle wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma

While the bickering and blame game from yesterday's fiasco (ie the release of the terrorist head of Shefa Hospital) continue, another crazy situation arises.

Today the Israeli government connected Gaza to the Israeli power grid and let the electricity flow.

Now, if Benny Gantz would still be in the government coalition and War Cabinet, Ministers Ben Gvir and Smotritch (among others) would be screaming that Gantz needs to go, the Conceptzia Cabinet is destroying the war effort, Gantz is insisting we lose the war by giving them electricity and other aid, etc. But alas, Gantz is not in the government and Ben Gvir has nobody to blame and scream about other than his natural partners who he can only attack so much.

So now, with nobody to scream at, the full right wing government turns on the electricity in Gaza with nothing in return and nobody says a word.

This government is a riddle wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma..

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Talkline With Zev Brenner on Haredim in the Army with Rabbis Avi Shafran & Scott Kahn (video)

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Tzva Shamayim (video)

Channel 12 News is running a series of reports of Haredim and the army, sending a reporter to spend time in a mainstream Haredi yeshiva, one of the top yeshivas, talking with the rosh yeshiva and the boys... 
the 1st episode:

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JERUSALEM TODAY! Experience the Heartbeat of the Holy City! (video)

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Moshe Peretz and Muki: Modeh Ani (video)

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Jul 1, 2024

had no idea!

It is amazing how every minister in this government knew nothing about the decision to release the terrorist head of Shefa Hospital (of Gaza), among other terrorists released, due to overcrowding in the prisons, or whatever excuse they give. 

They should be held as prisoners and only release din a hostage exchange deal, if at all. Why are we releasing terrorist prisoners, for free, while our hostages are sitting in Gaza? Are they also offering goodwill gestures and releasing Israelis for free?

Yet all the people at the top, responsible for this decision, know nothing about it, only heard from the news, and pass the blame each to another office. Take some responsibility!

And having no control and really not knowing about it is no excuse. that might be even worse.

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#155: Behind the Bima - Frank Meeink, Reformed Neo Nazi (video)

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Behind the Scenes with Avraham Fried in Hebron (video)

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Hamerapeh by Bracha Jaffe ft. skater Breindy Ovitsh | For Women and Girls Only (video)

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Ari Hill ft. Aviel Graucher - Rak beyachad (video)

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