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Jul 30, 2023

Bridge over Hell

The valley in jerusalem called Gei Ben Hinom is a bad place, cursed by the prophets and is the source for the name of the place gehenom. Practically nowadays in the valley of Gei Ben Hinom there are concerts and festivals and other events on a regular basis.

the City of Jerusalem built a walking hanging bridge over the Valley Gei Ben Hinom and completed and inaugurated it today..

According to the announcement by the mayor, Moshe Lion, the bridge is 202 meters long connecting Mt Zion to modern Jerusalem, over the Gei Ben Hinom valley. This is the longest bridge in Israel (longest bridge or hanging bridge, I am not sure), and is the home to amazing views of the surrounding areas.

What frightens me is the thought of how many people will stand there and pile up on the bridge to watch concerts for free or to protest, and I would just hope the bridge can hold the weight that is sure to accumulate there

I would note the rope bridge in Nesher is pretty cool with amazing views. I am not sure anything can beat Jerusalem though and I am looking forward to checking it out

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  1. So when the wife tells me to go to Hell, I just head for the bridge?

    1. or over the bridge, but we wouldnt want that... better to go to hell the conventional way when they have the food truck festival (like now), or one of the other great festivals there...

  2. Longest suspension bridge. The longest (and tallest) bridge in Israel is the railroad bridge right outside Jerusalem.

    We got married in the Mount Zion Hotel, which you can see in the background of the first picture. (The building is currently gutted, as it's undergoing a major expansion.) The wedding itself was on the grounds outside the bottom floor of the hotel- the hotel is built on the side of a cliff, so you enter on the top floor and go down- and it is an absolutely lovely location, but we sometimes joke that we got married in Gehennom...which we did. :-)


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