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Feb 8, 2012

Solving The Strike Crisis

A large percentage of the people who do the work in the public sector are not employees of the State, or of the institution in which they do the work, but are outsourced by manpower companies. These laborers often have very poor working conditions, and few if any benefits.

The point of today's massive national strike by the labor union is to protect the rights of the contract laborers. to demand benefits and appropriate working conditions for these people.

As mentioned, the Knesset just voted unanimously to approve a raise for all MKs. I have a great suggestion that might solve the debate and stop the strike.

Get rid of all the MKs, and from now on we outsource that job to contractors.

On the one hand they will be acutely aware of the plight of the contract laborers, and will perhaps be better able to deal with these issues, while at the same time we will save a lot of money as we won't need to pay them so much any longer because they will all be non-employees of the state. Lower salaries, along with lower benefits. I see it as a win-win solution.

1 comment:

  1. I hate strikes, but I happen to agree with this one. I worked for 6 months for the sochnut and misrad hachinuch as a contract worker ("yomi"). It sucks and it's a sneaky way for these behemoths to cheaply employ people. It has to stop.


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