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Oct 15, 2012

The Reason Appliances Were Invented

I just heard this interesting perspective. I definitely never thought of it like this before:

the reason why washing machines, microwaves (and other appliances made to make our lives easier) were invented is so that  the housework should be easier and less time-consuming for the wife, so that she can work and support her husband and learning, while still doing the [now easier] housework..


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  1. The entitlement mentality behind this "perspective" is simply astounding.

  2. figures

    והוכרח לנסור הנקבה
    ונחה דעת אדם בה כנגדו ולא טמונה מאחוריו כי בזה תשא עול סובלו לנוח הוא במקומו ואותה ישלח להכין
    • ולעשות צרכיו
    from the Ohr HaChaim HaQodosh

  3. And I suppose the next step is to append this to the narrative in Avodah Zarah which describes the nations standing before God on the Day of Judgment, pleading that their pursuits were all intended to help the Jews learn Torah.

    The Romans will say, we built these roads so that the Jews could travel to learn Torah. And they will swept aside. Perhaps the Maytag Man will say, I built this washing machine to ease the women's burden so they could support their husbands' Torah learning...

  4. Where did you hear this brilliant observation?

  5. And babysitters were invented to raise their children thus relieving them of that burden so they could go out to work to support their husbands' learning...

  6. No, no, no. They were invented by goyim. Everyone knows that. They are an evil abomination that must be stopped. By giving women too much idle time, thry become lazy, idle, and engage in gossip and other wastes of time.

  7. Nothing new here. I think I was in the 6th grade when my Rebbe told us that the reason tape recorders were invented was to allow people to hear a shiur in the car. Apparently, there are still many frum adults who believe this stuff.

    Hashem told Adam HaRishon that it was his job to work and guard/preserve the world -לעבדה ולשמרה. The chiyuv to inhabit the world, presumably including scientific progress, has nothing to do with making it easier for kollel guys or baalei-batim to learn.


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