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Apr 8, 2013

Headline of the Day

Seculars Desecrate Holocaust in Geula

  -- Kikar

Yom Ha'Shoah (and Yom Ha'Zikaron as well) has created a new national pastime - that of looking for Haredim who do not commemorate the day, even in public, and capturing them on camera. The media is annually flooded with images of such Haredim, usually at the Kikar Shabbos intersection of Geula, this year mostly from last night in Gan Saccher having a barbecue, yet it seems to be perfectly acceptable that these photographers and leftist activists are running around trying to capture such images on camera. I like how Kikar turned around the concept and announces that these secular photographers and activists were not standing silent at the siren, thus desecrating the memory of the Holocaust victims.

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  1. Yeah, yeah, and segregating women to the back of the bus and photoshopping them out of public life is how a woman wants to be respected too.


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