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Dec 9, 2013

The IDF called the Haredi bluff

So, the army has started to make arrests f yeshiva bochurim who refuse to register with the army..

1. One thing commonly said in recent months was that there is no way they would arrest so many haredim. looks like the plan backfired. It does not even take "so many". The IDF has arrested 3 and everyone is up in arms.
2. Didn't those promoting refusal of service say that they would be happy to sit in jail rather than register with the army? I even remember them saying that they would be able to sit and learn completely on the government dime while in jail, as they would then be completely funded, rather than the only minor funding received outside of jail.

So what's with all the protests? It seems the IDF called their bluff and now we see they are not actually so happy about sitting in jail...

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1 comment:

  1. The story seems to be that the council of Torah sages told students to go register at lishkat gius up until the last stage, but another rabbi said not to cooperate at all. I missed all the action last night on Kol Barama, but tonight Avi Mimran was trying to restart with some interviewees about how the jail is not proper for Haredim, etc... but the response he got was that everything is fine and that the people in the jail are amazed with the strong personalities. So the sector is not united on this, but everyone will naturally try to milk it and gain points.


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