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Free The Hostages! Bring Them Home!

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Feb 9, 2014

Interesting Posts #530

1. Sponsor me in the Lemaan Achai Bowl-A-Thon - bowling for tzedaka

2. Israel Programs: The case for Tel Aviv - I agree with Benji. Tel Aviv is a great city and it should take a more prominent place in the Israel experience

3. Erika's happy avalanche - the HappyLanche

4.  going to fight rather than going to fight

5. losing and rediscovering my religion

6. why is US Ambassador Dan Shapiro's boss such a moron?

7. the success of charedi kiruv

8. the rabbi relationship requirement

9. Facebook and football, do rabbis and shuls belong?

10. one get case closed, another get case opened - in this new case the father of the recalcitrant husband said “she will remain an agun [chained wife] until my son dies.”  - the problem is very serious, and when the father is quoted as saying such things, I think it might be time to propose a new solution. Considering that we believe in prayer, as does the husband who refuses to give a get and his father and family and community, that we pray for the death of the recalcitrant husband. Hold prayer vigils, mass tefillah rallies, all for the death of so and so. It is his father who brought it up as an option - if that's the only way she'll become free, maybe the community needs to put forth the effort to make it happen.

To that effect I am reminded of the story of Rabbi Akiva Eiger, who called in a recalcitrant husband and urged him to give his wife a get. When he continued to refuse, Rav Eiger warned him that the mishna states there are two ways for a woman to become free - by divorce or by death of the husband. After letting the implicit warning hang in the air for a moment, the husband stormed off. The story goes that the husband died upon leaving Rabbi Eiger's house.

I think having mass tefillah rallies with communities around the world, including his own, holding tefillah sessions davening for the recalcitrant husbands death would put immense pressure on them to give the get.

11. Bibi's new demands

12. the Internet is posek acharon

13. why is it so hard here?

14. random acts of donuts

15. MK Feiglin is even more awesome than I thought - Feiglin has been opposed to the Yesha Council (akak Moetzet Pesha) for a long time.. this really isn't a new thing..

16. charedi suicide squads

17. Dodelson and the Facebook shtetl

18. friends of Israel must speak up now

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