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Feb 5, 2014

New elections in Bet Shemesh

It's official.  The Supreme Court has rejected Abutbol's petition.  Bet shemesh is going to new elections.

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1 comment:

  1. I want to remind all of the political parties of something:
    Many parties complained that they do not have the money to finance a new campaign for the repeat of the elections; so I suggest to ALL parties that they simply NOT repeat the election propaganda.

    I won't miss it, and I think that many other citizens also will not miss the propaganda, and the overwhelming amount of advertisements by the parties; including the pictures, and the defamation of other candidates and communities, etc.

    I suggest that each party and candidate print up simply formatted information on a page or two of paper that describes what THEY CAN CONTRIBUTE, and what qualifications and talents they have to help the citizens of the city; and distribute it to each house's mailbox.

    I remind all of the candidates that they need not bad-mouth any other candidate. If that candidate is really so terrible, or anti-Chareidi, or anti-Zionist, or anti-Ethiopian, or any other bad trait, the voters are clever enough to figure out that the candidate is lying when he claims to have done so much, or have so much to offer, or to love those communities which he really hates!

    Let's make this "rerun" campaign simply about content, not about name-calling; and we will save everybody lots of money and anguish!

    Of course, I am NOT naive enough to believe that any of the parties/candidates will take the suggestion presented here; but I wanted to state it once, to "put it on the table" anyway! ;-)

    Catriel Lev, Ramat Bet Shemesh


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