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Feb 4, 2014

Rabbanut gives Roladin its hechsher back

Just a few days ago the Rabbanut announced problems with Roladin - "non- Jewish" milk powder in the hamantaschen and unauthorized kashrut supervisors, and decided to remove its hechsher.

Roladin fans will be happy to know that Roladin has decided to fix the problems discovered by the Rabbanut, comply with the rules, and will be receiving their hechsher again.

I guess the loss of business, or the threat of it, made them decide to fall in line..

Roladin has committed to changing the unauthorized mashgiach and replacing him with Rav Asher Zemel, the authorized mashgiach responsible for the Lev Hasharon region.

As well, and this is more interesting, they will not use the "non-Jewish" milk powder any longer, and will mark the products better, labeling them clearly as dairy. In the letter (below) sent from Roladin to the Rabbanut detailing their commitment, all product packaging of hamantaschen will include stickers stating them explicitly as dairy.

As a result of Roladin's commitment, the Rabbanut has announced that they are giving the hechsher back, and the public can buy from Roladin - as long as the consumer sees a valid kashrut certificate (as is always true).

It seems clear from the new commitment that the problem, or at least part of the problem, was that Roladin was not labeling the products clearly. Perhaps they were relying on the idea that all customers surely know all products are dairy (as I heard from some people who buy pastries in Roladin regularly). In other words, the problem is not the use of dairy dough, but that they did not do enough to inform the consumers that the dough was indeed dairy. In addition to the use of "cholov nochri" milk powder.

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  1. What a pity that their hamantashen will be dairy? I am sure they could leave the milk out, and they would be just as tasty, and we could have them after the seuda. What will we do now?

  2. I guess you'll have to eat a different brand of hamantaschen after the seuda.. or have a dairy seuda.. :-)

    I must say, I have had roladin sufganiyot, but I dont think I have ever had anything else from roladin, including hamantaschen


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