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Feb 4, 2014

which way does your house look in the morning? (video)


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  1. Actually I found it very realistic.
    I'm could be that guy.
    The ganenet knows when I dress my daughter.

    Solly G.

  2. Sorry, but this is totally sexist. Videos like this just perpetuate the idea that women are ideal in the home, while men are bumbling fools who are totally incompetent at taking care of their own kids. It reinforces stereotypes and makes men look horrible.

    1. Lighten up Josh and Rivka.
      It's just for laughs.
      (And I speak as a true house-husband)

    2. Avinoam, I was being very sarcastic.
      This is an incredibly accurate documentation of reality, but despite what Rivka says, there is no message saying that the women should be in the home. That woman might probably also be going to work. Given that though, the men have a 40 min extra-cirricular activity each morning that is either before or during this wakeup period. I wonder how it is in a egalitarian reform household where the woman also needs to daven in a minyan.


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