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Jun 4, 2015

a good segula for parnassa

Usually you hear around "Shlissel Shabbos", which is considered a segula for parnassa, or when seeing the fundraising flyers that play up every never-before-heard-of segula possible, that the best segula for parnassa is to get a job.

Now it is official. Rabbonim are using it.

Kikar is reporting that a woman went to Rav Mutzafi for a bracha for parnassa, and also for advice regarding a segula she could do for parnassa. She had stopped working three months prior, and her husband learns in kollel,, and money has gotten very tight. They have three children, and she is also pregnant now with the fourth. So she went for her bracha and segula.

Rav Mutzafi responded that her husband should go to work for at least half the day.

A practical answer. Who would have expected such a thing!!??

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  1. Ach, clearly she didn't understand what Rav Mustafi told her.

  2. It just saddens me that one even has to ask, in order to be told such a thing. And it saddens me that the wife went to ask. No matter what their arrangement, the ketuba says HE is responsible for the parnassah. So when it becomes a problem, HE should be the one to inconvenience himself, or they should go together. But it shouldn't even require asking a question like that.


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