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Jun 4, 2015

Proposed Law: cracking down on electric biks

MK Merav Ben Ari (Kulanu) has proposed a new law that would help crack down n the irresponsible driving of electric bikes.

Many people are fairly careless on electric bikes. I see people without helmets, I see people swerving around cars in traffic popping out in blind spots, riding wildly in the middle of the street, driving in manners that are threatening to pedestrians.

Just last week a three-year old girl was injured in Tel Aviv when crashed into by someone on an electric bike. Supposedly statistics show a tenfold increase in injuries requiring hospital care due to electric bikes.

As of right now, the only thing police can do is release the air form the tires, and city supervisors have no authority at all to do anything.

According to Ben Ari's proposal, both police and city inspectors would be able to slap a 300nis fine on electric bike riders who are holding a phone while driving, giving a ride to an additional passenger (on any type of bike) when the driver is younger than 14 years old, riding on the sidewalk or on any path marked as for pedestrians, and drivers under the age of 14. Drivers would also be required to keep both hands on the handlebars.

The purpose of this is to create a level of deterrence, in order to effect responsible riding.
source: Ynet

electric bikes are very popular. many of my friends have them. Be aware of upcoming new restrictions and requirements, based on the eventual passage (possibly) of this law proposal.

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1 comment:

  1. Even regular bikes can be quite dangerous to pedestrians. Just recently, a frum man was killed in Washington Heights by being hit with a bicycle!


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