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Jun 2, 2015

Mesivta Gevuras Ari opens its yeshiva-bagrut doors

There was an announcement yesterday of a new program for young Haredi men, and I think it is worth publicizing, as it can be beneficial for plenty of people..

Mesivta Gevuras Ari has announced the opening of its doors and the opening of registration for the academic year beginning Elul 5775, through 5776.

The program will be two years of learning - gemara, tanakh, halacha, and hashkafa, alongside full bagrut studies.

Mesivta Gevuras Ari is not a yeshiva high school program, but is a yeshiva for those 18 years and older who find it important to have this integration of Torah learning with bagrut studies.

A non-obligating registration form should be filled out by interested parties.

More details can be obtained by emailing metivta@pai.org.il


I asked the founder what the participating yeshiva students will be doing about army service. How can they study for bagrut at this age under the normal yeshiva student army deferment?

The response was that the army is cooperating with this program and is giving them four options:
1. sign up as hesder
2. go 3 years afterwards regular army service
3. go to college as atudai
4. go back to yeshiva as a regular full-time yeshiva student

Depending on registration, these could all be options for each bochur to choose from..

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