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Feb 23, 2016

Proposed Law: video on bus

MK Hamad Amar (Yisrael Beyteynu) has proposed a law that would put video cameras, both internal and external, on all buses, should the law pass.

Amar explains that there has been a significant increase in road accidents involving buses, accidents that have caused death, and it has been discovered that the drivers breach security protocol and even try to tamper with the bus techograf that tracks the events and his behavior. Video cameras are a necessary solution.

Internal video cameras would track events happening inside the bus, including keeping an eye on the driver, while external cameras would track the road in front of the driver along with the lanes alongside the bus. Authorities would be able to pull up, at a moments notice, the last 48 hours of footage for analysis.

This would not just be to help figure out what happened, but it would also act as a deterrent - drivers would know they are being watched and would not fiddle with the equipment and would be deterred from driving recklessly and doing other things that might be dangerous or against protocol, thus lessening traffic accidents.

Perhaps. it might work. It is probably worth a try. Public vehicles nowadays should probably be under video surveillance anyway...

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1 comment:

  1. I think the 'techograf' is only a backup these days. An acquaintance of mine works at the bus company IT dept working in 'big data' and says that the buses are hooked up for GPS and the company gets real time information all the time.
    I guess cameras are inevitable, soon all of us will have them like in Russia.


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