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Mar 10, 2016

National Man's Day is coming!

This past Tuesday was International Woman's Day. The day is marked by celebrating the achievements of women in various aspects of live - social, political, cultural, etc.

I am not sure why they need a whole day dedicated to women, but I guess if pirates can get a day (FYI: September 19) women can as well.

MK David Biton (Likud) thinks that if women have a day, so should men. We demand equality!

Bitan wants a National Man's Day sometime in May. Bitan thinks the man's world gets no attention any longer, so we need such a day to discuss things. Bitan is worried and concerned that with all the, important, discussion about women the men are being forgotten.
source: INN

I would note that we have enough holidays in May with Yom Hashoah, Yom Hazikaron, Yom Haatzmaut, Pesach Sheni, and Lag b'Omer, and we don't really have the time or energy for another noteworthy day. Bitan is welcome to pick a day in a more boring month to commemorate the achievements of men.

I would also note that International Men's Day is on November 19th. I do not know why that is not good enough for Bitan and why he needs to create another day. Maybe this way men will get two days to celebrate!

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1 comment:

  1. The world is upside down and the country is suffering with terrorism and men's day and other narishkeiten are the important stuff on the agenda. Crazy.


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