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Jun 5, 2019

shaming the anti-vaxxers

I'm not sure what to think about this. Dear readers, you are welcome to try to convince me one way or the other..

As reported on YWN, via what is called a paid advertisement by an organization called C.F.E.A.V.F.O.S. (Committee For Exposing Anti Vaxxers For Our Safety), a suggestion that people planning to attend an anti-vaxx event in Flatbush should dress nicely.

They explain that they will have a paid photographer at the event photographing every person present and they will be publicly shaming them - in their words, they will post all the images on social media. The community needs to know who is not vaccinating their kids, so that they can protect their own children from people who might put them at risk of horrible diseases.

I am not a big fan of the "shaming" trend today. I get the danger the anti-vaxxers pose to so many people, and public debate seem to have only strengthened and legitimized them rather than dissuaded them, but I just don't know if this is the right way to go about it. Also, generally anti-vaxxers are not hiding their opinions so most, if not all, of the people are probably already known to the community and public at large. Shaming them probably won't send them to the clinic to vaccinate their kids because they are generally proud of their stance on this.

So, what say you - is it reasonable and just to shame them in public or is it bullying and inappropriate? Is it fair game because they are putting so many other people at risk or are the statistics still so small that two wrongs do not make a right? Will it even work to make people afraid of this position or will others see how so many "normal" people believe this and suddenly that opinion is even more legitimized than it has been until now? It seems the more this topic gets debated in public, the more support they seem to get.

UPDATE: the event was last night. YWN reports that only 50 people showed up, of the expected and planned for 1300. In addition, [many of] those that did participate walked in with their faces covered. While YWN posts a few pictures of a mostly empty hall, a picture is just a moment in time. Someone else posted a picture on Facebook of a relatively busy, though not full, hall, so I am not sure if it was as empty as YWN says or if it was really much busier with people perhaps coming a little later..

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  1. I think there should be leper colonies, but for anti-vaxxers. If names are going to be named, it should be to alert others to the danger posed. As you say, there's no point in trying to shame someone who is proud of their ignorance, and literally believes they are saving lives as they load the gun.

  2. I think a part of it is trying to stem the tide of people stereotyping religious Jews as anti vaxxers, and promote the anti vaxxers as we would the Neturi Karta, people who do not stand with mainstream religious Jews. In other words an attempt to reduce antisemitism. Not saying it's a good idea, but IMHO, I thinks that's a big reason why the community is doing "shaming".

  3. "Is it fair game because they are putting so many other people at risk...?"
    Indeed, yes!

  4. To all you who think you are so smart and know what the real deal is, I would suggest you go now to the www.going home to Yerushalayim.com blog and see two videos of actual conferences giving the facts exposing what's happening in cities in the U.S. where it's evident that this whole brouha is about the medical/pharmaceutical money industry and having control on the population. You must watch it and read the article to believe it.
    Then decide.

    1. Decades of empirical results demonstrate that you are a conspiracy nut, and people should know about your mental deficiency before engaging with you. Please start wearing a badge which reads: WARNING: I am a conspiracy nut.

    2. Avi....Emppirical Evidence would require replicable experiments utilizing the "Gold Standard" of testing (double blind), along with with Placebo's (a control) and with Long Term Safety trials, which NO VACCINES have undergone this form of testing....this is a FACT and you can NOT argue this point or it will make you the LIAR. The FACT of the matter is, is that EVERY FDA Vaccine Clinical Trial that they have conducted Violated the Scientific Method...period. Now you at least you know the TRUTH Avi....now go do the research.
      Peace Brother or Sister

  5. Avi loves to draw conclusions even when facts are thrown in his face. Did you watch the videos and the facts brought out? Like Anonymous above advises, go do the research!


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