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Jul 2, 2019

Interesting Psak: don't get ultrasound during pregnancy

Rav Shalom Cohen, head of the Council of Torah Sages of Shas, issued an interesting psak yesterday. Rav Cohen said that women should not get ultrasound tests while pregnant. He says there is no need to know the gender of the baby in advance and there is no need to see if the baby is complete or not. For what purpose?

Rav Cohen said that one should not do an ultrasound, and if one is planning the healing in advance, he should expect the problems. He said there is an expression that God prepares the solution in advance of the problem. The expression is God is מקדים רפואה למכה but that means that if you plan the refuah first, if you prepare the solution, you have to be concerned that you will be hit with the problem.
source: Kikar

In other words, as I understand it, you are at more risk of having problems by trying to prepare solutions in advance. So, going to get a ultrasound, that does not really help with anything anyway, is going to be the cause of problems with the pregnancy and baby, God forbid.

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  1. My wife had ultrasounds with all her pregnancies - per our Rav's instructions - but this is actually a pretty common psak, especially among chassidim - although not exclusively.

    1. Why per your rav's instructions? This is common sense.

  2. Very uniformed and short-sighted. There are a number of lifesaving surgeries that can be done in utero. But in order to realize that there is a problem requires ultrasounds.

  3. Yet another example of a rabbi who gives an opinion -- a psak, no less -- based on inadequate or no medical knowledge.

  4. Does he advocate avoiding all diagnostic procedures, or is it just pregnant women he doesn't care about? What about mammograms and prostate exams?


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