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Aug 3, 2020

dairy face masks

warning: do not wear these after eating a fleishige meal!

If there were a way to find out if this only uses powdered milk, we could possibly import them into Israel (Chief Rabbinate only allows cholov stam/nochri imports using powdered milk, not real milk)

If bleach and laundry detergent need, by any measure, a hechsher, it seems this is more justified as the mask sits on your mouth the entire time and you are breathing in the air you breathed out against it... but still, why dairy???

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1 comment:

  1. 2 Options. They got a Hechscher, got permission for the logo and just looked online for the best image. Or they are just on of those knockoffs that just took that image because they know its Jewish and want to appeal to Jewish community


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