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Aug 4, 2020

Israelis: Why doesn't Jesus have more influence with the Jews? (video)

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  1. As usual, whenever I do choose to view his videos, I get disgusted and sick to the stomach at his inane questions and then disgusted at the ignorant and G-Dless answers by Jews who know so little of true Jewish history. There might be two who answered slightly correct. Oto haish was a kofer, to say the least, and was thrown out of the Jewish fold in his lifetime for his kefirah and after a hundred years later or so, they made him a god. Why do you allow this to be posted on your blog? Interviewer's questions should be geared to true Jewish (Torah) thinking and maybe the uninformed secular Israelis would learn truth and do teshuvah.

  2. at first i wasnt going to post it but then I decided to because I found it interesting that the Israelis didnt talk nicely about him and say they do or there are things we can learn from him as I thought they might, but they all explained reasons why not


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