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Oct 5, 2020

government disturbed by drop in CoronaVirus testing

This morning Deputy Health Minister Yoav Kisch called on the public, encouraging people to go get themselves tested for Corona. Kisch said that in recent days there has been a decrease in requests for tests.

1. it is a holiday. Nobody wants to bother with that right now

2. It is such a rigmarole to get tested. You have to first convince your doctor that you have a reason to be tested, maybe even lie about the reasons, get a referral for a test, then make an appointment for the one testing center in town that might or might not have a slot open during the time span of your referral (and if not you will have to go back to the doctor to get a new referral for the next day), and then go get tested at the kupa testing location. Or if your town/kupa has a walk in testing center, you get to stand in line with a bunch of other people who might have Corona and wait to get tested.

Maybe make the process simpler. Maybe open up testing to the general public, without a doctor's referral. Maybe open more testing centers. It is such a pain the neck, I don't doubt that people are just deciding it is too much of a deal to bother with.

3. Clearly the public has lost faith. Many are not bothering to test because why bother? If they feel ok, even better. Why test? And if they don't feel ok, maybe they stay inside and away from people, but you do not need to be tested for that - why risk the fine if you want to go out, and the trouble it brings along with it, and stigma and probably half a dozen other reasons. By now a sizeable portion of Israeli society has no interest in cooperating with what the Israeli government wants.

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  1. A few additional issues I see with the current testing centers
    1) if you dont own a car - how can you get there? Youre not allowed to take a bus if you might have corona, and taxis dont want to take you to the testing center, as they dont want to risk getting the virus themselves
    2) Why would I want to stand around at a testing center with many other people who think that they are sick - if I myself am negative, just being with so many sick people can give me the virus
    3) They dont treat corona in this country. They dont give any medication for it, so people feel that there is no point in being tested. They treat symptoms, if they are serious, in the hospital - where you can just go and get tested there when it gets bad enough to warrant a visit

    1. point #2 I mentioned as well
      1 is a very good point. I have seen so many complaints of people online who dont know how to get to a testing place because they dont have a car. it makes it very difficult
      3 I am not sure about. could be. I havent heard anyone say it doesnt matter because there is no treatment. Most seem to be saying either I wont get tested because it will only help turn my city red or give my community a bad name, or they say why bother as I am young and will most likely be fine anyway

  2. Did anyone ever think, it might be better for no testing. People who are okay go for testing; maybe that's causing the problem. Why can't they see the sinister side of this whole thing! People have no common sense and no faith and trust in Hashem! In the meantime, to those who are sick in any way, may H' send them a refuah shleimah!


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