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Jan 12, 2021

Quote of the Day

The problems are all the Supreme Court: The standing of yeshiva bochurim and the conversion issue - the Supreme Court. Shabbos is the Supreme Court. The chametz issue is the Supreme Court. So, right at the beginning of the next term, before we agree to deal with other issues, we will need to legislate a law that will override the Supreme Court. We are talking about a body that was not elected in any democratic way and imposes a judicial dictatorship on the country

  -- MK Moshe Gafni (UTJ)

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  1. United Torah Judaism MK Moshe Gafni has been hospitalized after suffering a heart attack, says Netanyahu, sending well-wishes to the lawmaker.

    Hebrew media reports say his condition is stable

    1. PM Netanyahu has apologized for the mistake. they are now denying it is a heart attack and Netanyahu had relied on a fake news report when he mentioned that but it is incorrect. we dont know why he is in the hospital at this point

  2. Amen to the MK's very wise words! A Speedy Refuah Shleimah to him!

  3. Oh like a Supreme Supreme Court?

  4. Sans a vibrant and independent S CT, the enemies of Israel will be justified arguing Israel is not a democracy. It will be a tenacious web of theocracy and monarchy.

    1. Well, that's a perversion of language, then, because like it or not, courts, especially ones that can override laws, are a singularly undemocratic institution.

  5. And he couldn't do this until now because...well, I guess they just didn't care with all the other things the Court's been doing. But chametz in hospitals, Katy bar the door.


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