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Jan 13, 2021

Quote of the Day

The numbers are alarming, especially in the Haredi community. The increase is dramatic and difficult, thousands getting infected every day. Many have died, many of them young people in their 40s. I call upon everyone again to be careful and adhere to the rules. Most important is to get vaccinated, there is no danger in the vaccination. However, people are dying every day [from Corona]

  -- Rav Asher Weiss

I would note, as of today, just about half the families in my building are in quarantine because of infections within the family.

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  1. It's being proven the vaccine is making them get the Covid even on a stronger level. They have to demand that they won't take the vaccine and they'll see the infections decrease dramatically. Also, those who have been vaccinated become carriers and spreading the virus. Does anyone read the researched facts? It's out there for everyone to learn.

  2. "It's been proven" is a nice use of the passive voice. Of course it hasn't been proven. Unlike other vaccines, this one does not contain the virus, and so of course can't give people covid or cause them to become carriers.


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