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Mar 6, 2022

Interesting Psak: Purim in RBS D

There has been some talk for a long time about questions regarding which day should be celebrated as Purim in Bet Shemesh, or in certain parts of Bet Shemesh, due to its proximity to ancient walled towns. While Bet Shemesh celebrates Purim on the 14th, like most of the world, some say it should also, at least msafek, do the mitzvot of Purim on the 15th like Jerusalem and other walled towns, due to proximity to the ruins of Yarmuth, and possibly also due to the proximity to the ancient Tel Bet Shemesh.

With the influx of residents into the new neighborhood of RBS D, the question was raised a level as RBS D is actually right next to the Yarmuth ruins. It is no longer nearby but still far enough away that one could discount it - now it is right there. The RBS D neighborhood is right next to the Yarmuth ruins. Some even call the neighborhood - Givat Yarmuth.

Residents brought Rav Moshe Bransdorfer in to weigh in on the matter. Rav Bransdorfer is a posek in Jerusalem associated with Toldos Ahron and the Eida Hacareidis. Rav Bransdorfer looked at the relevant information and the nearby ruins and added his opinion to that of several others that residents of RBS D should fulfill the mitzvot of Purim on the 15th of adar in addition to celebrating ont he 14th. While he sounded pretty definite, he only instructed the residents of RBS D to do so and did not pasken accordingly for the entire Bet Shemesh, nor did he say it is an absolute obligation, but one should out of a strong safek.
source: Kikar

I wouild note that this is not really new, though perhaps with the populating of RBS D the logic has gotten stronger and more definite. I know individuals who have been doing this for many years in RBS A and in Bet Shemeh and have heard of some others. They believe this is the correct approach but will not rule so publicly and demand it of the public.

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  1. "residents of RBS D should fulfill the mitzvot of Purim on the 15th of adar in addition to celebrating on the 14th".
    For this answer you need a posek? What a cop out. Shame on him.

  2. There are a number of cities in Israel that do this- Chevron, I know, maybe Ashdod and Ashkelon and others. I seem to recall even Prague did.

    One mitigating point is that in Jerusalem, people still live in the original walled area (not the Old City but rather Ir David). The same is not true in Beit Shemesh. Ironically, if Yaffo is part of Tel Aviv, then it might well count.


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