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Sep 30, 2024

space lasers and demons

This is interesting and weird..

Some Shia cleric from Iran, Mostafa Karami, was asked about how Israel got the information it had on Nasrallah's whereabouts to eb able to put on such an operation to take him out.

Karami said, "The information was leaked by invisible infidel demons (sheidim) who were employed and activated by Jewish Priests..the Jews were made aware of the demons being drafted tot he cause and the astrological issues back in the days of King Solomon. Considering the Zionists' history of subjugating genies, they carry out many of their missions through this means, and demons are their secret arm"...

Ok. Go argue with that. Is it so bad that they think we have these unnatural powers and the ability to control demons? I am not sure if this is greater or lesser than our ability to control the weather and space lasers...

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