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Jul 3, 2011

"Letter to the Editor" Of The Day

I am translating this "Letter to the Editor" that I enjoyed reading in this past week's edition of the Haredi newspaper Chadash of Bet Shemesh:
Mehadrin Needs Strengthening 
Much has been written, and surely much will be written, about the mehadrin transportation in our city. In practice, it was arranged with Egged for the bus lines 418, 497 and 454 to operate under the mehadrin format, meaning the driver is supposed to open both the front and back doors, and women getting on in the back will "punch" their tickets with the hole-puncher hanging near the back door, or they can pay in cash when the driver stops to collect money..

However, out in the field it is a whole different story. The drivers have received clear instructions to only open the front door, and only after payment has been made can the female passenger go down, to the back and get on from the back door if she requests it. This has in effect cancelled out any benefit of the mehadrin arrangement because even if men and women are sitting separately in transit, since the women are standing near the driver while paying  - a high percentage of them will pass through the men to go to the back of the bus. 
After many attempts to straighten this out through Egged, we can only turn to the righteous women who are definitely only doing this without realizing the seriousness of the matter. We know it is much easier to pass by quickly than to ask the driver to open the back door, to then go down and back up in the back, but for this Chazal have instructed us to consider the reward of a mitzva against the loss [and there are 2 prohibitions being violated here, causing men to look at women and the prohibition against a woman passing in between 2 men].

Please be strong and do not be ashamed to do what is right. Stand on your rights to guard the holiness of the Camp, and request from the driver each time to give you the ability to alight in the rear, and by that you will not be a part of those who want to uproot the mehadrin concept.
With the merit of standing strong on issues of holiness, we should merit all the blessings that are written in the Torah for those who make themselves holy. [ and I am confident that at the time of going down and alighting through the back door it is defintely an eis ratzon - a time of mercy - to daven for what is needed as it says in the sefer Shomrei Emunim about the time one closes his eyes in public to avoid seeing something inappropriate]
I love it!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If not for Superbus' experience, I'd be more sympathetic.


  3. I'm closing my eyes as I read this, and davening for all my heart's desires....

  4. Solution:
    The women generally have packages and children, so they should sit up front. They enter the bus, pay, and sit down. The men can enter the bus, pay, exit the bus, walk to the rear door, and enter the bus there, then sit. Problem solved!

  5. Solution:
    Men get used to the fact that they share this planet with people of the opposite sex, and try to travel on public transport without groping or ogling the women. Just like civilized human beings....
    Those that are unable to manage this should see a therapist.

  6. I have a new mega-mehadrin solution which is a win-win for all involved.

    MEN, who can't handle the sight of a woman lest they start fantasizing about Carmen Miranda, should have their tickets punched by the driver and request that he open the "Baggage" section and climb in. These Holy Neshamot will not only be spared the site of women, C"V, but they won't see ANYTHING, such as an iPhone or iPad, C"V, that might lead them astray.


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