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Jul 11, 2011

Rav Stein Promotes Polygamy To Solve Shidduch Crisis

Yesterday I posted about an ad that had been placed in a Shabbat parsha paper advertising a solution to the shidduch crisis, promoting a form of polygamy.

The person behind the initiative, Rav Dov Stein, a member of the renewed Sanhedrin, was interviewed on Israel radio about this new initiative. Rabbi Stein took a surprisingly militant stance, and instead of backing off and suggesting it was humorous or meant to push a theoretical halachic discussion about the subject, he promoted it on air and explained how serious and real it is.

Rav Stein said that the problem is that there is a tremendous shortage of available men relative to the number of women available for marriage. The surplus of women is upwards of 15%!

Rav Stein said that while not all women may like the idea of the husband marrying a second wife, but the husband is not anybody's property, not even his wife's. That is especially true when the wife gives her permission and acquiescence to a second marriage...
These women looking to get married are intelligent and talented and allowing them to marry like this will definitely benefit the future generation to be intelligent and more fortunate.

And then Rav Stein said the kicker - he said, "Just like the secular have solved their marriage problem by going to marry in Cyprus (thus avoiding the Rabbanut and their rules and restrictions), so we too now have our own solutions that circumvent the law."

You can hear the interview with Rav Stein on both Srugim and Kikar.


  1. He himself only has one wife. So there you go...

  2. Rabbi Stein is a good and devout man, interested only in solving people's problems.


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