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Free The Hostages! Bring Them Home!

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Nov 26, 2023

Picture of the Day

on Friday afternoon as Shabbos was approaching, people in Israel were very tense. The first round of hostages to be released was scheduled to happen just as Shabbos would be coming in, and would probably actually happen shortly after. People were nervous and anxious, will it happen, will it not, will they be healthy, will they be cared for, will it go down as hoped? I saw religious people discussing if they might leave a radio on for Shabbos or have some other solution to find out what was happening. 

Happily enough the first round went off without a hitch. The second round was somewhat delayed with some grandstanding by Hamas, followed by threats by Israel, but the Friday night release went smoothly.

The picture above - some posted that sign in their building for the religious neighbors who were anxious not knowing what was happening. They were kind enough to let their neighbors know. On the other hand, it seems to have involved chilul shabbos. Though maybe they prepared the sign and the tape before shabbos. Or maybe they used a shabbos goy.

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  1. Cute. But remember what this can be perceived as from the outside; that (God forbid) the religious shomrei shabbat don't care about the abducted enough to leave their TV/radio on, that they are letting religion over-rule the wellbeing of real flesh-and-bones people, so they need to be reminded by the secular shabbos-goys. Of course it is far from most of us have in mind but we also must be sensitive to what it can be perceived as. And before you say 'that can not possibly be' remember that there are all sorts of religious fanatics out there not supporting our soldiers, demonstrations for the benefit of Israel, the IDF and the abducted, so this mindset is not a very far jump at all for those not wanting to distinguish to closely.

    1. I hear that. personally the sign feels genuine, but I see what you mean how it can be perceived, and maybe I am wrong about it being genuine....

    2. they also dont know what the religious neighbors did in their own houses, if they left a radio on or not. They know the religious might not have a way to know an d found a way to update them.


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