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Oct 7, 2010

A segula for rain

Srugim is reporting on a segula for rain. Unfortunately, this is not a segula anybody can just do, but it has to happen on its own. Which makes it kind of pointless.
The weather forecasts are all calling for rain in much of the country tomorrow, and possibly some on shabbos as well.

Srugim found in the sefer Taamei Haminhagim, written 100 years ago, that when we lein the Torah 3 days in a row, it is a good omen for rain to come. The reason is because when the Jews left Egypt and went to Mara in the desert, it says they went 3 days without water. It is brought that because of that the chachamim decreed we should never go three days without reading the Torah (Torah is compared to water in Jewish literature), thus we read Shabbos, Monday and Thursday. And if it should ever happen that we would read the Torah three days in a row, rain would come.

Because we read the Torah today (Thursday), will be reading it Friday because of Rosh Chodesh, and then again on Shabbos, the omen should work. And we see the weather forecasters are predicting rain.

I would think though that the rain would come after the three days not during..and I wonder if during a drought if a community would decree to read the Torah 3 days in a row if that would trigger the omen and bring the rain...


  1. You also lained 3 days in a row on Rosh Hashanah/Shabbat. Did it rain?

  2. Actually we lained 5 days in a row -
    RH 1 and 2
    Shabbos (3)
    Tzom Gedalia (4)
    Regular monday (5)

    That probably confused the rain, so it didn't come.

  3. good point. offhand I would suggest that that was before the winter - the yemos hageshamim, so the omen doesnt apply. only after the mashiv haruach.. but that is just a guess

  4. What about the issue of not during the three weeks (or is one month?) after the chagim, to allow the olei regel to return home from Jerusalem to the farthest parts of Eretz haKodesh? It's not supposed to rain during this time.

    But, most olei regel these days come from America (only hours away)!? So maybe it could rain sooner.

  5. If you rally want a Segula for rain its very simple... Buy a telescope.

    Old joke in the astro community.

  6. is that like washing your car?

  7. Blackbelt - thought came to me today - it rained on Yom Kippur. maybe because of the 5 days in a row of leining.


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