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Sep 11, 2011

The New Koren Sacks Rosh Hashana Mahzor

The Koren publishing company just announced they have published their brand new Koren Sacks Rosh HaShana Mahzor (Hebrew/English) with Comentary by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks and I just ordered it.

I have used the Artscroll Mahzor for many years and have been very satisfied with it. I know many people like to knock everything that is Artscroll, but I personally have enjoyed the Artscroll siddurim and mahzorim. Perhaps not everything is perfect with the commentary, and in their stories they skew things, not that most other publishers are any better, but I have been very satisfied with them. I think the font and type-setting makes it very comfortable for reading, the commentary has it's uplifting parts and overall they do a pretty good job.

However, I have been davening from Artscroll mahzorim for many years. I am very used to the style and familiar with the commentary. I know exactly which ones to read, and there is little in it that I have not seen before. Sometimes it is simply time for something new, something you have not seen before, a fresh approach, a fresh commentary.

I have been very impressed with some of the recent Koren publications, such as the siddur and the Tisha B'Av kinnos, so I decided I would buy the new Koren Mahzor as well, and hopefully that will bring me something new and fresh for the holidays this year.

The description of the Koren Sacks Mahzor says: The Koren Sacks Rosh HaShana Mahzor is an inspiring new high holiday prayer book. An invaluable introduction by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks guides you through the themes of the day. A brilliant commentary blends insights from Tanakh and classical sources with Rabbi Sacks’ keen observations. An eloquent, contemporary translation makes the prayers accessible and meaningful. A sophisticated design brings out the power and poetry of the text. The Koren Sacks Rosh HaShana Mahzor enables you to enter the true spirit of Rosh HaShana and emerge into the new year renewed.


  1. I just ordered it from Amazon.com a minute ago. I hope it arrives before RH!

  2. Was this Mahzor also printed on cheap tissue paper with a binding that breaks after falling on the floor?

  3. when I get it I will let you know. the paper was thin on the others, but I have not had a problem with the binding

  4. Read an informative review of the Mahzor at http://www.oztorah.com/2011/09/koren-sacks-machzor-book-review/

  5. Dovid - Koren Publishers uses high quality Bible paper for its Siddurim, Mahzorim and Tanakhim. Bible paper is nothing like "tissue paper" in quality, strength or price. According to Britannica.com: "Bible paper, as the name implies, was developed for lightweight, thin, strong, opaque sheets for such books as bibles, dictionaries, and encyclopaedias. Bible papers are pigmented (loaded) with such pigments as titanium dioxide and barium sulfate and contain long fibres and artificial bonding agents to maintain strength."

    I was also wondering if when you dropped your cell phone or IPad and the screen broke or worse, did Apple or Nokia apologize and send you a new one?


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