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Feb 12, 2012

CNN Fires Jewish Staff

Supposedly the CNN office in Israel has been forced to downsize. As a result, they have trimmed their local staff in half, from 8 to a crew of 4.

The only thing is that the 4 let go were all the Jewish staff, while the remaining four are Arabs. (source: Before Its news)

While until now CNN always sent both a Jewish and Arab reporter out to any incident, so as to get both points of view and some attempt of objectivity, now they will only be sending out Arab reporters and will still be claiming objectivity...


  1. The reason your source is "Before it's News" is because this is a fabricated news story.


  2. your basic question is also problematic. just thinking off the top of my head, haaretz, arutz 1, 2 and 10, ynet - all have jews as their arab affairs reporters. the only media outlet that i know of that has an arab reporting on arab affairs is the jpost. are all of the jewish reporters biased by definition (meaning, biased in such a way that makes their reporting worthless)?

  3. unfortunately they failed to clarify the situation by informing the public what the reorganization really entailed. But thanks for pointing it out Rabbi Fink. I should have researched it rather than just rely on the many reliable people I saw it from..

    ben - its moot anyway but to answer your question, I have no problem with a countries media being subjective in telling its own narrative, though i would expect a certain amount of attempt at objectivity. when the issue is foreign media Iwould expect more objectivity. As well, I would expect more objectivity from the local media when reporting on world affairs than when rreporting on local affairs.


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