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Free The Hostages! Bring Them Home!

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Feb 6, 2012

Quote Of The Day

Quote Of The Day

This evening we will gather and come to a decision how to respond to the US Embassy that warned against visiting Mea Shearim...

  -- Jerusalem activist Chaim Miller


  1. Wait a minute, am I missing something? Shouldn't they be happy if people are told to avoid or to dress modestly in haredi neighborhoods? I thought that's what these people wanted?

  2. perhaps someone finally realized that this is to be taken not as a sign of respect but as a sign that people think they are crazy, violent and dangerous. who wants to be thought of like that?

  3. and think of all those lost tourist dollars...

  4. and think of all those lost tourist dollars...

    You can't have it both ways.

    Baruch makes an excellent point.

  5. They should retaliate by not sending meshulachim to schnorr in the US.

  6. I cant wait to see their response... I would recommend they decide to stop the violence as a first step.

  7. Rafi,

    A few days ago you posted that JM was thinking about having VAT free days to bring in shoppers.

    I posted that people are avoiding JM because of the Charediim.

    I'm sure you recall the back and forth on that post.

    I guess The US State Dept is also 'silly.'

  8. the state department warning did not say to not go to jerusalem because of the danger. it said to not go dressed immodestly to mea shearim

  9. and do you recall what happened to my ex and my kids when she drove into JM with absolutely no intention of going into Mea Sheariim or any other Charedi area?

    She made a wrong turn and her vehicle was attacked.

    So excuse me, if the US State department issues a travel warning against areas that sit next to the heart of downtown JM, that absolutely backs up the feeling and impression people have regarding not visiting JM.

  10. gee, I have an idea for a response: stop acting like idiots towards other people!

  11. If they were smashing up Manny's bookstore, I don't think they care too much about tourist dollars.


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