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Feb 12, 2012

Suing Big Brother For Denigrating The Tanakh

A week or two ago I saw a mention that someone was considering suing the programmers of the Israeli reality television show "Big Brother" for something that happened on the show.

The lawsuit has finally been brought to the courts, and is no longer just speculation.

A traditional Jew from Jerusalem has filed suit against the creators of Big Brother for allowing on the show one of the participants (in the previous season) to take a sefer tanakh into the bathroom. He is suing the producers of the show for 1200 NIS in damages.

The suit says that the producers have allowed the denigration of the holy book by allowing one of the participants, Freida Hecht, to cause a provocation against one of her rivals on the show by taking the tanakh into the bathroom. The purpose of this was simply to create better ratings for the show.

The court was asked by the defense to dismiss the case, but the court refused to.
(source: Mynet)


  1. Does Israeli law have any concept of standing? I mean ok I can see why someone would not like this, but in what way was he actually harmed by it?

  2. I dont know. I know there is some sort of law against "harming" symbols of religion. I dont know what that means from either a criminal or civil perspective.
    I guess if it wasnt possible the judge would have dismissed the case at the initial hearing

  3. "Does Israeli law have any concept of standing? I mean ok I can see why someone would not like this, but in what way was he actually harmed by it?"

    All Jews were harmed by it.


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